i keep a hatchet in my cab,rite at the side of me.and i never go anywhere without a knife,cos ya never know wen yul need it!
So when you get nicked for carrying an offensive or pointed weapon what are you going to tell the judge ?
Sorry for suggesting that you got a freelander dude, nice one on the defender though.
Sorry for suggesting???? Dear God, some of you lot are so blinkered!!! :doh: Its just a different type of landie in the same way a Series aint a Rangie .... I've driven most L/R's at her Maj's expense and the only issue I have with 'Frisky' is ground clearance in tractor ruts! Salisbury Plain holds no other problems since our outing with the S.L.U.T.S :D
So has the barsteward been caught yet? Does Plod have any leads??
Sorry for suggesting???? Dear God, some of you lot are so blinkered!!! :doh: Its just a different type of landie in the same way a Series aint a Rangie .... I've driven most L/R's at her Maj's expense and the only issue I have with 'Frisky' is ground clearance in tractor ruts! Salisbury Plain holds no other problems since our outing with the S.L.U.T.S :D
So has the barsteward been caught yet? Does Plod have any leads??

aye but i wouldnt want a gaylander as they are affectshinally known in these parts
I bet the Series lads thought the same about Disco inferno ... CARPETS?... RADIO??..... HEATER???? Ruddy Chelsea tractors!!! :D :D :D
Go for the shotgun effect. :D:D I have two bits of 1/2inch copper pipe taped together about 14ins long. It has the desired effect when you poke them out a window or round a door.
So when you get nicked for carrying an offensive or pointed weapon what are you going to tell the judge ?

I find "send me down and I'll come back and cut ya fooking heed orf" works really well..:D :D Whoops got to go screws are coming!!! :eek: :eek:

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