Hi all,

Just a quick update, I've had a bit of a rethink and I may just put the project 'on hold' for a couple of months and then reapproach it with a fresh mind, and bank account! The biggest obstacle is the bulkhead and thats perhaps my main worry about being able to complete the car. I've emailed just about every company I could find about refurbishing my bulkhead but have not had a single reply. A new one appears very expensive and it's what is playing on my mind the most.

I've set a bit of a milestone to try to build up a rolling chassis and then go from there

Yeah mothball it until you are ready to start again.
Re the bulkhead, for the price of getting it done by someone else you can get all the panels and your own welder (maybe with some left over) and then you've got a good bhead and a welder.... result :)
great rethink!! - as soon as you get a rolling chassis you'll get motivated again.....
you would have regretted dropping a landy!!

if you get a welder, have a look around for another second hand bulkhead that you could repair or use bits from both to make one decent one...
Hi everyone,

Unfortunately a post with bad news. A recent change of position completely out of my control has been the final nail in the coffin and means I can no longer afford to continue restoring the car. This has been a really painful decision to make however it is final, I will be moving the project on. Couple of bits I need to sort out and then the project will either be moved on myself or I'll be popping it up for sale.



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