
New Member
Hi all. I thought I would just start posting pictures and letting you all see how it's going.

Well I bought a series 3 1974 not mot for £600. I thought that was good. Needs a little work to say the least.

I started with the footwells which looked like this



As you can see. Flintstone style. So I just got my drill and angle grinder and start where everyone should. Google. I didn't really find an awful lot so I choose the second option, blind brute force




As with all good land rovers, this was just tge start. More and more rot was found. So I continued in the same fashion and just cut it out



And bought new bits



I know looks like I was too angle grinder happy but it's just where thd bottom isn't bolted fully and it's slipped down.


As you can see not lined up yet

End of part 1.

Any questions
Is it worth seeing just how much more rust you have, I.E under windscreen, behind dash etc, before you spend money and lots of time repairing the post and footweels? May be worth taking bulkhead right out to repair it, pay to in the long run.
Keep the pics coming though..:)
I have done a good survay and its not too bad. The rust is mostly where previous repairs have been done. Chassis is good and the issues are mostly just surface rust from untreated scratches about 15 years ago.
I have done a good survay and its not too bad. The rust is mostly where previous repairs have been done. Chassis is good and the issues are mostly just surface rust from untreated scratches about 15 years ago.
Thats good to know, keep up with the project, check my project out, just added some more pictures in (my first ever land rover,series 3 88"):D

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