I have been using Paddocks for about five years and they have been fine. They have delivered parts to the other side of the world for myself and friends living in Brunei,(Borneo) there have only been a few minor mistakes in that time. They do supply some poor quality stuff as well as good quality, its your choice. Personally I will not touch Britpart, after several bad experiences with shock absorbers, steering damper and an alternator, I will steer well clear in the future!
Despite selling the Discovery and moving to a Land Cruiser (long story but not brand bashing) I have not personally used Paddocks however, many of my friends here in Spain do and they are happy. In the past I was very pleased with Paddocks service to me, even had a wheel turn up with a less than decent paint finish, photographed it and emailed this to Paddocks, reply was to send me another wheel and told me to keep the other one FOC!

Only ever had one part missing from a batch order, this turned up a couple of days later.

In these days of tightening wallets companies strive to keep a decent profit margin (and stay in business) and still offer a good service with reasonable prices to their customers, Paddocks at the moment seem to be offering this to the majority, nuff said.


Law of averages is also going to say that they get their share of "robbin thieving bastids" that are for ever trying it on saying that stuff was missing from bulk orders etc........... when it wunt :mad:
I use paddocks first for all stuff unless it's something they cannot get or don't sell.
Very good post sales support to.
Latest order from Paddocks arrived today, and was (as usual) checking I'd got what I ordered. Very happy with it all then realised the GKN rubber Donut I'd ordered was in Britpart packing:mad: Was all prepared to go :violent: on Paddocks when I realised that the donut itself was marked with the GKN trademark.

So Paddocks are still good for me, and Britpart have supplied the correct thing as well:screaming_bug_eye_f Just need to open my eyes and not panic so much when I see the Brtipart label:eek:
I have found Shop 4 Auto Parts | Welcome, very good for price and delivery so far. Although their range is still limited. Got my Disco 1 swivels on special offer at 50% less than the prices offered by the usual suspects. My experience with Paddocks is neither good or bad.
I was reading the first page and thought Bob was back, then realised it was from 2009. Just for a second I thought he must have come back as a sponsor...
I've used Island 4x4, MM4x4 and Paddocks so far... I kinda go where the price is right to be honest and although sometimes I feel paddocks can be a day or two later with the postage than I expected it is free over £50 and I've never needed a part from them urgently so it hasn't bothered me!

MM4x4 is brilliant, I got an email to inform me everytime my order status changed and a text to say it'd been shipped - most definitely an automated system but its a bit of a personal touch to keep you in the loop!
I've used them in the past (before I discovered a local indie supplier) and I always had good service off them. My only complaint is that when ordering small items their postage charge can be a bit excessive.
yeah £7 to post a set of paper gaskets ! i always phone up for smaller stuff , they do a better price on postage then
this thread is funny. lets be honest we all use paddocks cos they're cheap. i got something off cradock recently and they got it completely wrong gave me the wrong drop arm when i had taken the pas box in to show them, bloke on the counter didn't know his arse from his elbow. so none of these bods are much good really and some of the "****part" stuff is awful Indian junk. however mostly they get it right and its cheap which it has to be for landrovers with the number of parts we all have to keep buying for them. If you dont like it buy a toyota they dont break

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