
New Member
After finding out what the whole under pigeon thing was all about after getting a remark on introductory post a few days ago you'll be glad to know the faults have been rectified.

I was always planing on putting these little things right anyway, after picking up the car Wednesday night I had the suspension airbag to put right which I did on Thursday then today I put right the 2 main cosmetic faults.

One being the front and rear Range Rover badges that were missing and the second is rectifying the painted black 20" Stormer alloys.

How it looked:

I had a collection of silvers left over from previous cars/projects so thought I'd make use of them, I used the mercedes silver as a base and the course silver as a top coat before lacquering:

In the booth about to be prepped:

Now all done back on the car and the front and rear badges replaced:

One last thing to do Monday is to fit a new radiator as I noticed the bottom corner a little crusty when I was looking over it before I bought it.

If anyone has any tips/tricks to replacing it I'm all ears.
Thanks guy's

Your never going to please everyone but to me it now looks great dont get me wrong it look ok before but I've never been a fan of all black wheels.

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