Heheh, I always feel good about the 90 mate .. and yeah, Aaron, it persisted down ..
Been out again and cleaned it up and it gets a little worse but better too .. at least I can now see what's what.
This is cut back a lot and flapdisked a bit, lots of rust inside, and although it looks bad it's actually solid where it needs to be .. but to be sure I've now ordered the top bulkhead repair panels too, no point sinking the ship for a pennorth o'tar .. I've been there too often before ..
Then we move down and I reckon the footwell's not worth cutting plates out and messing with them separately so I've also ordered a footwell replacement unit from YRM too. I counted four different plates in mine, with very little of the old rusty plates cut out, just new ones added on top!! Makes sense to get rid of it all and start fresh ..
... and when I pressed on a bit with a hammer, well ...
So I'll fabricate the outrigger with flat plate. From the chassis out it's solid, it's just the top and a section of the front that's rusted out, the bulkhead endplate is solid, so I aim to cut one part out, replace it, then cut the other out and replace whilst it's all still bolted up to keep some integrity to it.
While I was ordering panels etc, I also ordered a complete set of lights, they were pretty corroded and needed 'persuasion' to remove them .. £2.50 per light! Also a couple of engine mounts as the ones on are pretty flat and cracked, though still together!
No worries ..