Wow, They did a proper bodge job on that Paul :eek:
Rain was pretty bad earlier, I had the engine held in by the engine crane while I made an engine mount, So had to just throw a tarp over and carry on.
'tis done now though :) Albeit I was **** wet threw.
Heheh, I always feel good about the 90 mate .. and yeah, Aaron, it persisted down ..

Been out again and cleaned it up and it gets a little worse but better too .. at least I can now see what's what.

This is cut back a lot and flapdisked a bit, lots of rust inside, and although it looks bad it's actually solid where it needs to be .. but to be sure I've now ordered the top bulkhead repair panels too, no point sinking the ship for a pennorth o'tar .. I've been there too often before .. ;)


Then we move down and I reckon the footwell's not worth cutting plates out and messing with them separately so I've also ordered a footwell replacement unit from YRM too. I counted four different plates in mine, with very little of the old rusty plates cut out, just new ones added on top!! Makes sense to get rid of it all and start fresh ..




... and when I pressed on a bit with a hammer, well ...


So I'll fabricate the outrigger with flat plate. From the chassis out it's solid, it's just the top and a section of the front that's rusted out, the bulkhead endplate is solid, so I aim to cut one part out, replace it, then cut the other out and replace whilst it's all still bolted up to keep some integrity to it.

While I was ordering panels etc, I also ordered a complete set of lights, they were pretty corroded and needed 'persuasion' to remove them .. £2.50 per light! Also a couple of engine mounts as the ones on are pretty flat and cracked, though still together!

No worries .. :)
Stop digging paul lol!!

Cant wait to see the pics of the progress! Payday in 2 more days for me so ill be ordering the pair of bulkhead replacements and the a pillar for my drivers side then its my turn with the welder! The more pics you pop up the more i can see how it goes together!

That footwell is bad tho I have to admit mate. whats the other side like mate?
Other side's fine .. well, it takes my weight stamping down on it .. and I ain't looked too closely yet, I only have a few weeks before we do a 3 day Coast to Coast laning trip so what needs doing has to be done by then!

Only thing really stopping me is money, we're always short, but our lass is brilliant at 'finding' me something to keep it going, even she's happy with the 90, where she was always a bit less happy about spending on the old Discovery! Can't blame her really!

By the way, we won't be passing your way any time soon, Father in law is now in hospital so we're keeping away a bit, let the dust settle ... sorry mate.
No worries mate, i was up your end friday i popped over to see aaron, if I'm back up that time anytime ill pop over and see the 90 in the flesh. I that your father in law gets better soon...

Ive managed to rig up the 2nd battery behind the rear bulkhead using an old jump lead..
Welcome any time mate, If I'd known I could have left it with Aaron, we were in Wales!
No worries mate, there will always be a next time. Don't forget to get them pics on as soon as she's fixed!!
sorry, couldn't help a drunken snigger

Heheheh, me, best feed in the business ... ;)

was the drain hole at the bottom of the rusted area blocked?

The whole of the inside of the door pillar was solid with rust flakes and a mixture of filler, paper and 'stuff' .. I'd say it's been like it for years .. but I've only had it since February. I'll work my way round it doing something every odd weekend or when things break and it'll soon become a very nice Landy (Not that it isn't, to me, very nice already).

Just been out to it again, but more brushing stuff down and general prepping for when the extra parts arrive. Just thought, I'll need paint!
Heheheh, me, best feed in the business ... ;)

The whole of the inside of the door pillar was solid with rust flakes and a mixture of filler, paper and 'stuff' .. I'd say it's been like it for years .. but I've only had it since February. I'll work my way round it doing something every odd weekend or when things break and it'll soon become a very nice Landy (Not that it isn't, to me, very nice already).

Just been out to it again, but more brushing stuff down and general prepping for when the extra parts arrive. Just thought, I'll need paint!
red oxide;)
Started cleaning the 90 out and hammering/crowbarring away merrily to get the rust back to mostly solid, which it is now. Jetwashed the front so I can see the wood for the ****e, and now waiting for it to dry properly. Then 'cos I'm waiting for parts, I'll also do a few little jobs on the engine, while it's easy to get at, like the dipstick seal and o-ring, so it stops (that bit!) leaking, tighten up the power steering hoses, at least one of which, maybe both, is leaking and any other bits I find. I know the turbo hose is a little suspect so that might come off and be cleaned and re-fitted correctly and I'll also check the turbo actuator etc so everything is working as it should.

When it's dry enough I'll grind the rust right off so I can also make a start on marking up and cutting out plates to suit the outrigger. Think the front plate will just be a full plate, but the top which is a relatively small hole will be a simple patch job, we'll see what thickness the metal is when I grind it away, but not sure that a full front with a bent over bit to suit the contour of the outrigger top might be a bit stronger.

Then I'll make some waxoil from er, old oil and er dunno, or maybe thin down some bitumen adhesive even, must see what's in the shed, but first I'll blow the front of the chassis over with red oxide primer and matt black paint. It looks rusty right now, but that's only 'cos the jetwash has cut the old underseal coating right back so it has nothing now, and we can't go around bare arsed! All the front chassis and other outriggers and bits are solid when I whack 'em wiv' 'a 'ammer .. and right now I'm filthy with oil and ****e blown back from the jet wash, so happy days .. ;)






Woohoo, parcel from Paddocks arrived ... ;)


So that's new lights and bulbs all round, new engine mounts, and a dipstick tube seal (O-ring!!!).

Hopefully the YRM parcel will arrive later or tomorrow!! ;)
Slap me down wiv' a fevver, the YRM bits arrived too.

Brilliant service from Paddocks and YRM, I only ordered them yesterday! So lights, engine mounts, footwell, endcaps and door repair section all arrived really quickly, so I have no excuse to do nothing now 'cos the pillar and bulkhead foot were already here ... Just gotta figure the welding bit now .. ;)


Then, when the bulkhead's been done, I guess the repair section will do for Juliets door frame repair. Might even be enough to make mine a little sturdier too .. ;)

I love meccano-like vehicles .. er .. Landrovers .. ;)
... and test fitted the bits ..




VERY happy dance .. ;)
wow Paul, you really have cracked on, sorry ive not been round ive been working silly hours again. There is plenty of plate steel here if you need it. just help yourself.
I will try to get round to help over the weekend

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