Did you green Lane alone paul? That's the one thing I darnt do as I'm scared of being stuck for days lol!
Did you green Lane alone paul? That's the one thing I darnt do as I'm scared of being stuck for days lol!

Yeah, only got stuck once .. bit of shovel work and popped it out .. ;)

Been doing it for years ... naughty boy that I am! Only been stuck a couple of times and always got out fine under my own steam, bit different than when I'm with a group when it feels so much safer and I'll have a go at a lot more stuff.
I guess you could just winch yourself out if ever you were in a pickle!!

I got my replacement salisbury on yesterday just brake lines and wings to finish and I can pop over to a south Yorkshire meet!
Nice one mate.

I've beem off-roading and green laning since I were a kid, mostly on motorbikes it has to be said, so never felt the need for company much, until I got back into Landrovers when me knees gave out. Nothing wrong with getting stuck, so long as you have the nous to get back out again or self-recover.

Not that I'm infallible, which is patently obvious if you know me, but mostly nowadays I turn back before getting stuck .. this weekend I just slipped off a rut-top into a bog! Bit o' digging, quick hoik with the Hi-Lift and out, no worries, no drama.

I wouldn't recommend laning alone for anyone who's new to it or hasn't practised recovery techniques, lots of different ones, a number of times though. ;)

I don't rely on the winch, though it's a necessity for some of the more extreme forest tracks we do in North Yorks etc though .. which aren't always green-lanes!!
Tried to change the waterpump .. not worth it, the old one was better quality and tolerances than the new one!! So replaced the old one with new gasket and changed a few hoses and clips. Currently moving the snorkel over to the passenger side. The job's a PITA .. but nearly there now. Just got to re-mount the airfilter and connect it all up under the bonnet.

Not done a lot lately, had a couple of bouts of sickness, mostly 'cos I is a numpty and messed my diabetes pills up which screwed with my system a bit!

OK now but ... ;)
oooh, with any luck my cb woes are over. Those who've been out with me know what I mean ... I can barely hear anyone and they can't hear me, but sometimes they can!!

So I took it all off and apart to check the cable and connections etc couldn't get the SWR down past 3 and constant interference. Finally found the aerial connection must have been grounding on the body. Cable side was fine, that needs earth/grounding but the aerial side should be insulated .. mine was but had tears and a gaping hole where it was touching the sides. Cleaned it all up, new washers and hose and moved the thing onto the light bar instead of down on the wing and job's a good 'un. Apparently some truckers could hear me clearly from the M18 (about 3 miles as the crow flies) and I could easily hear them!!

Only a few bits to do now ready for Salisbury Plain in mid-October, like a side-exit eggsauce as mine keeps getting caught and breaking, and the A-frame really ought to go on sharpish like, seeing as we've already done the bushes .. :)

Maybe the passenger side rockslider might get welded too, and maybe the passenger door .. So much to do, so little time ... ;)
The refurbished A Frame is now installed. Bitch of a job, single handed, laid on me back under a set of ramps .. but at least it's nice weather!! Been ladling Plus Gas on it for the last few days, but no joy, so out with the reciprocating saw .. a beast of a machine, cut through the bolts like butter. Stuff the Plus Gas, get a saw and new bolts!! Also had to get a tad violent on the fulcrum bush nut, bloody split pin wouldn't come out so just chiselled it all off till the nut turned freely .. took two castellations off before it gave in to superior forces!

Also sorted the eggsauce which sorta fell off a couple of weekends ago. I am going to side-exit it at some point, but CBA today .. just took it apart, bashed it wiv a' 'ammer so it fit again and bolted it back on .. ;)

Just been for a drive and the only bangs and rattles over bumps now are the tools and ****e in the back .. and boy can you tell the difference good bushes make!! It doesn't bend around bends now, it tracks round them as though it were a single vehicle and not a bendy bus .. I guess the bendiness creeps up on you so you hardly notice it till the bushes are changed .. ;)

Happy .. mucky, indeed filthy, but happy .. ;)



The latest pic after a round of moving stuff about and bush replacements etc .. ;)

Snorkel now where it ought to be .. and CB aerial on the top, again, where it should be .. hopefully it works now!!

And me noo Glass windscreen sticker, stuck to t'windscreen .. :)

Heh, glad you like the 'quality'!!!! It's a cheapo digital camera, same as this ..

Fujifilm Finepix J37 12MP 3" Screen 3 x Optical 5 x Digital Zoom £59.99 @ SVP - Hot UK Deals

Mounted on the dash .. dead simple. Only issue I have with it is that when I leave it running it doesn't properly 'see' the whole size of the SD Card and stops video recording after 25 ish minutes .. but if you re-start it, it turns off again after another 25 mins so you have to repeat. Not a big deal, but I'd like to switch it on and get a full days video all at once 'cos I always forget to re-start recording and often miss the best bits!!
Only issue I have with it is that when I leave it running it doesn't properly 'see' the whole size of the SD Card and stops video recording after 25 ish minutes .. but if you re-start it, it turns off again after another 25 mins so you have to repeat. Not a big deal, but I'd like to switch it on and get a full days video all at once 'cos I always forget to re-start recording and often miss the best bits!!

Just found out, this quote prompted me to 'research' a little, that it's probably, possibly actually not the camera but a limitation of the formatting on the SD Card! Trying to find a way round it now .. ;)
Just found out, this quote prompted me to 'research' a little, that it's probably, possibly actually not the camera but a limitation of the formatting on the SD Card! Trying to find a way round it now .. ;)

Can you format it to NTFS rather than FAT32 using your computer? It should support over 5gb then.

Though some stuff doesn't support NTFS.
Can you format it to NTFS rather than FAT32 using your computer? It should support over 5gb then.

Though some stuff doesn't support NTFS.

Dunno yet, gonna play this afternoon.

I use a 16G card so it ought to be able to do a complete day on each card, then I'd only need two cards per weekend.

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