Have to report we went out night laning a few days back .. people got stuck (I won't mention Brians' name) and others, but both mine and Tims vehicles fitted with the Tug-a-Tow Recovery System

pulled people out no worries, even slight (2' run and snatch) snatching was good, no breakages.
If anyone wants one, pm me ..
We will be unveiling a complementary tow bracket soon ...
On a nother note, me winch now works! A bastardisation of a few odd bits. Part of a Warn brush set, part of a Vacuum Cleaner brush set, a Warn body, Kingone Field coils, renovated bearings and a phospher bronze bush and all's good .. well, it ain't fallen apart or stopped yet and is faster than it was before! It just pulled in two full drums of rope in the time it'd take to do 1/2 a drum previously! Hopefully that'll also translate into power.
I've been trying to fix iamrobbies winch this week and it's about fecked! It's a Superwinch EP9.0 so should be good, but the brake is stuck and I can't get the six small headed allen keys out to take it apart .. anyone else done this before? The Spring clips each end are also a little awkward, but It looks like this is the worst part .. the freespool I've got reset properly and just about working, but again, it won't come apart, so it's hopefully a case of working it with oil and prayer!!
The drum bearing land at the motor end is also fecked, someone's hammered it, and dented it quite badly. I've tried to work it out but it runs off-true and when clamped together to the gearbox the drum just won't turn, indeed the drum won't even go into the motor endplate fully, 'cos it's twisting! It had been sat with twisted up, gnarled, rusted and caked in mud under the top layers, wire for a while which I had to cut/grind off and I think it's what sent it out of true.
So, has anyone got any Superwinch EP 9.0 spares? Drum and motor endplate would be good, I have an idea that the brake might be removed, though obviously only as a temporary measure to get it all running again!!

Anything considered ..