Great find....!!!

I'd be tempted to replace the whole FC esp. cos you have had to drill out the screws holding the pump rear cover on!

Also, who's to say the FC isn't worn due to the cracked pump gear!

Only drilled one screw out - carefully and then retapped the hole, which now holds a screw securly. My concern is that the housing and cover are badly scored. Thinking of going down the 2nd hand cover route
There are dimensional checks of the pump gears in RAVE engine overhaul manual, toruble is to measure the dimensions means you'll need new gears at £30 and if the FC is worn you'll require replacement which will come with pump gears.

What to do is a toughy, I think I still have an old front cover somewhere, and fresh gears ( I think) which you are welcome to try for free, just bung a donation in a charity box somewhere is all I ask...

If I have one it will be at work, but I am not back till Thursday so wont be able to check till then, let me know if you would like to try it, and if I have it I'll let you know on Thursday.

Still waiting to source a Fornt Cover/Oil Pump so have taken a break from the engine

Stripped out the rear boot area

The Bracket holding the subwoofer and CD Multi Changer was cracked on one side and badly corroded on the other.

Quick weld and all sorted

Whilst I had the rear stripped out I noticed that the Sunroof drain tubes had shrunk and were just hanging in the air and not reaching the rubber tube in the inner arch. (Both sides the same)

Fabricated a little bit of 15mm copper pipe and had to bend it a little due to the Seatbelt reel

Started on the Brakes this afternoon both front and back discs completely shot

Calipers seem ok and pistons pushed back easily.
Biggest problem was the bottom slide pins on each of the caliper brackets, all corners were seized solid.
All managed to be freed off with varying amount of heat and persuasion, cleaned up, greased and re-used.
New pads all round

Wanted to finish on a high note as I'm away for the next week.

Spotted that one of the drop link rubbers was very perished, so replaced both

Thats it up to date for now.

Can see light at the end of the tunnel now (unless its a train coming) :)
Great work in bringing the baby back to life. I would make sure engine is fine before spending lots of time on everything else. If your of the fix it anyway if its knacked then fair dues. Reminds me of all the work ive done over 11 years with my p38
I would make sure engine is fine before spending lots of time on everything else. If your of the fix it anyway if its knacked then fair dues.

More of a sort of half full bottle type of person.
Not much that can't be fixed and like to multi-task rather than do one bit at a time. That way one fix doesn't bog you down and also as I wait for parts can get on with something else.
Worst case scenario with the engine and it'll come out and a reconditioned one fitted.

Just returned from a week off last night and have sourced two part worn tyres to replace the worn fitted ones.
Also ordered a few swatches of material for the roof lining.
Bloody bloody bloody Easter

Up early and having sourced 2 good part worn tyres to replace the worn ones on the project, tried to find a Tyre place open to change them over.
Seems everything is closed for Easter including the local Scrappy, what is the world coming too!
Had a bit of a potter about today

Stripped out the EAS compressor and have ordered a service kit

Stripped out the rear passenger window regulator, seems the motor is knackered as getting power to the switches.
2nd hand one ordered
Had a few days off, loads of spare parts arrived today

EAS overhaul kit

Passenger side window regulator

and courtesy of Saint V8, 2 front covers/ oil pumps and set of gears.

Rebuilt the EAS compressor tonight an refitted.

Front cover will be done tomorrow and hopefully have the motor running and oil pressure problem sorted.

Two part worn tyres fitted (same make and model as the 2 good ones)
Really enjoyed reading these updates & inspired to go and shower a little TLC on my old girl! Keep up the great work!
Well its all back together

Sump on and all hoses and pipes connected.
Ran out of time as its shower time then Miller time

Tomorrow will see it filled with coolant and oil
Coolant and oil filled, looks like oil pressure problem finally solved, no leaks either!

Big thanks to Wammers for advice on priming the pump prior to fitting, STP worked a treat!

And a bigger thanks to SAINT V8 who supplied several parts for the pump/cover and wouldn't take any cash, donation in a charity box as soon as I find one!

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Now rear passenger window

Stripped out the front passenger seat to check the wiring and found


Seems there has been a water leak, sunroof drain tube gets my vote, and rather than sort the problem properly a previous owner has placed 3 pieces of wood under the foam matting to lift it off the floor, matting removed and drain tube will be inspected.
On the plus side, found 2 one pound coins!

also found a relay under the front passenger seat outboard of the transmission and transfer box ecu's, seems one of the wires has been cut and a red wire inserted that when traced leads to the diagnostic socket



Any idea why this would be done?

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