piggybacking two series heaters together .......

Progress so far ....







First test run = toasty

Mind i need to sort out a "manifold in 15mm copper ,so that both matrixes ,and the round heater in the cab can all run in parallel rather than in series as they are at the moment .
And i also need to replace the fan motor housing ,as there is no bottom in it at the moment :shock: ,so i am loosing a goodly amount of air,Or even better replace it with a bilge blower (Ebay) and draw air through the radiator to increase the ambient air temperature .

first test results are promising though ,a few hours well spent i reckon
Looks neat...but still needs a good flow of air through it to work when underway...bet its stonking hot when your stopped at the lights.
Nice idea. Should hopefully bring it up to almost modern standards of heat with a good working blower motor. I'd imagine a more powerful blower might be needed to get the air past the twin matrix effectively perhaps?
Too much airflow isn't good as the air doesn't have chance to collect the heat from the matrix effectively....
The side vent on a series struggles with starvation at speeds...
A bilge blower fed from the rear of the rad would be optimum IMHO.
Wouldn't having the air intake at the front cause a lot of crap to be collected and build up in the fan box? I like the thought of redirecting the air intake hose to behind the rad but unless the rad fan is removed I don't think there would be any room.

Piped my twin matrix so the water goes to the inner most 1st thus the cooler water pre warms the air which is then further heated by the inner one. works good .
Made a new 3 speed fan from an LDV Van fan three years ago but still have not fitted it.


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I'm dying to get out and have a play with my heater and some other bits but I'm looking after my 8 year old grandson. Bloody school holidays.

Biggest issue I found was the air passage once out of the matrix. The series 3 dash is just awful at directing air to its outlets. Far to much turbulence and direction changing.
It's hardly surprising the blower struggles.
I thought of fitting a snorkel to the side inlet and pointing the top into the wind in the winter.
"I'm looking after my 8 year old grandson." - well small hands can be very useful for some of those fiddly jobs. Look on the positive side!
Honest guys...no need to mod the heater box....it just needs more air flowing thought it to carry the heat thats already there into the cab...the cooling sys need to be working ok and the engine getting upto temp of course.

I have the square Smiths heater, cleaning it out made a huge difference, as did cleaning all the electrical connections as it draws quite a current. The one mod I'm considering is replacing the old motor and bladed fan (very noisy) with a modern motor and scroll impeller. It looks do-able.
The p[rob with the S3...is the air intake on the side of the wing...once your going faster than 10mph...the wind rushes past that the fan struggles to draw air is....think its caused by a low pressure area close to the body.

My mod really does work....blasts air through that matrix.

The p[rob with the S3...is the air intake on the side of the wing...once your going faster than 10mph...the wind rushes past that the fan struggles to draw air is....think its caused by a low pressure area close to the body.

Hmmm. Maybe need to fit a NACA duct... :D

Regarding @Jake P 's question about the ducting, the stuff you probably should use is https://www.carbuilder.com/uk/classic-style-paper-covered-aluminium-ducting-100mm-id . However, I've bought 1.5m of 100mm https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/283043084691 . Seems to fit my fan and heater correctly, although I've not actually fitted it properly yet.

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