
New Member
I had a very bad experience today, My head gasket had gone and in order to get a fixed quote I had to take the Freelander down to the mechanic to see for himself how bad the situation was and weather the car was rescuable. Of course the answer was and is still YES.

But the weather was really wet and windy and as I pulled in to the entrance to where his workshop is, security gate flung open and straight through the wind screen, I saw it before it hit the window and hit the brakes as hard as I could straight away but the gate landed less than a foot from my chest. You will see in the pictures what type of gate it is. And at the time I took the photo's I had tries to reverse the freelander back but the gate got stuck. And at this pint I am only covered 3rd party only until my other car is sold so now after lots of calls managed to get a mobile windscreen guy to fit a new screen for £130. Still in shock that this happened.


WOW I hope you went and bought a lottery ticket as quick as possible. That sort of luck doesn't hang around for long. :D

Glad you're o.k.
There's been a couple of people killed by that type of gate in similar circumstances.
The H&SE issued a recommendation to modify / do away with them about 7 or 8 years ago. I remember getting it done at the factory where I used to work.
FFS ... hard to say whether you're lucky to get away with it or unlucky to have it happen!!

Glad you're ok, that must have been almost heart-stopping.
Are the owners of the gate not responsible for your new windscreen for not having the gate secured ??????????
if it had gone thro the metal parts it would have cost more than £130, very lucky and unhurt, result!!!!!
Are the owners of the gate not responsible for your new windscreen for not having the gate secured ??????????
:5biagree: worth asking, they are responsible for the safty of there site, really glad your o.k;):D
Glad you're ok! My husband had a similar experience earlier this year when he hit a stag in his ford connect van - the antlers and head hit the windscreen, smashed his van up but luckily the antlers didn't go all the way through! Put the wind up him though!
Glad you're ok! My husband had a similar experience earlier this year when he hit a stag in his ford connect van - the antlers and head hit the windscreen, smashed his van up but luckily the antlers didn't go all the way through! Put the wind up him though!

So you've got a freezer full of venison now?
Glad your ok.. can't imagine the consequences if it had been a smaller motor!
They should be negligent. Plus if it had ended on a more serious note. Then they would of got done.
I would ask the gate owner to pay if it were me.

If its the workshop that owns/is responsible for the gate then surely you can come to some arrangement:confused::confused::confused::confused:

In that he does the work on your motor, head gasket, waterproof/re-attach the doors, whatever:p:p:p
Then (this is the good bit), he 'forgets' to charge you, and you 'forget' to report the clown;);););););)

Glad your alright though, could have been far far worse:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

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