You've painted the gearbox tunnel! That's keen, is it not plastic? Mines shiny black plastic.
Yeah, my tunnel to bulkhead piece was rotten at the bottom. Cut the feet off mine and made two new ones. Araldited them on and painted with with rustoleum paint. Should be grand.
It's coming along nicely, mate. Looking great. :)
Cheers Al, yes i have, it's aluminium and was previously green. Anything I'm painting I'm removing as much of the green as possible so when it scratches I don't have green everywhere, just bare metal.
On the other hand, I don't intend to fit carpets or whatever so the floor will have a hard life anyway.

Wire brush and a sprinkling of Fertan me thinks.

No Carpets ?!?!? You're gonna put some sound proofing in there though... Yes?? please say yes - or are you all gonna wear ear defenders :D

Fertan will deal with that easily - love the stuff :)
It wont stand up unprotected. The dogs claws punctured a piece in the back no problem. I will be going; flashband, yoga mat, carpet and fitted rubber mat on the floors. If I get any time off work that is :(
Well, 3 weeks again I think, it's crap having a car project like this and no cash. While im waiting for the buds to open on the money tree I thought I'd do some paintwork, work has picked up so I've not had much time this last couple of weeks, today was busy also with forests second-biggest game of the season on TV so the Mrs' whole family was round consuming all the tea bags. A bit of a walk afterwards and got home thinking 'what to do?' It was about 5.30 and the air was still so I thought I'd laquer this lot. Now I've prepped it slowly over the last few weeks, got the rest of the basecoat on about 7 o clock yesterday morning, (to free up the day). For anybody that's particularly interested, these panels were rubbed to about 90% bare metal (180 grit) (so that when its scratched later in life it doesn't show up green), etch primed - 2 coats, 2k primed, guide coat then wet flat (600 grit), base coat with lrc378, 2k laquer - 2 1/2 coats except for the driver floor plate which had about 6/7 coats to use up what was left, to resist my feet rubbing through it.

The spray booth. The floor was dampened by the fact my house roof drains into it and it never seems dry. (Other brands of bottled gas available)

Hopefully take some time to wear through this.

Gearbox tunnel

Er...... This.

Rear floor.

Pits in rear floor. Not bothered.

I won't be doing anything else with this other than fitting it. I've used 2k because the cellulose I'd used on the outside is impossible to get a good finish with, and this is also harder wearing to stray tools/kids/boots (football and walking)/bikes etc. I wish I'd done the whole thing in 2k.
you're getting a good finish on that lot. I, for one would be pleased with that. :)

Nice colour too.:)
Thanks Disco. Annoyingly, when I'm doing a paid job painting I often can't get the required finish. I'll do say, a whole bike, and one panel will go to ****. Something always happens like a massive run, severe orange peel, a reaction, a fly lands in it etc. and it ends up becoming a real chore. The bike racers usually say 'there's no rush, You've got about 2 months' then a week later ring up and announce they've a meeting and need it yesterday. Always empty promises too of event tickets/access, spares, tyres etc. and I've never seen a thing. I've stopped painting for anybody else now, no matter who they are or what they offer, even my best mate knows he's only ever going to get one job out of me so he's choosing carefully! I only do my own stuff and I've not really got the space or kit anymore. Thanks again though, it means a lot.
Cheers Al, not bad for 7 degrees and paining outside eh? Just been and looked again - we have a pet fly who will be coming with us!
Paint looks bloody good mate, only came in half an hour ago from painting myself, doesn't look half as good at that though :oops:
I have their catalogue but only see the single/double etc. I wanted blocks to match the originals, that are 8-way and combine male/female in the same half, if that makes sense. I'm just being fussy really.
Nice thread. Like the paintwork. The quality in the pics I can only aspire to!

Did you manage to find the connectors you were looking for? I can understand your desire for perfection. Or do I need help too.....

I see from your wiring pic that you have the old nasty glass fuses on your bulkhead harness. I changed my fuse box to the blade type from VWP. This one I think. (You will need 2).
I always had electrical issues until I did this. The fuse box is a little bigger than the opening left when removing the LR one , nothing a bit of filing wont sort, and then crimping of the wires to suit. A nice satisfying job really. There are a few threads on on how its done but I could put up some pics. Get a quality crimper though, not those horrible pliers type.

I would go with the 200tdi engine if you have one available. I upgraded, albeit from a N/A, and the 110 was so much more nicer to drive. Sorry I sold it...
Thanks for your comments re the paintwork. Plenty of experience you see. As for the wiring, no but in fairness I stopped looking shortly after and shelved the idea for a bit. It wasn't about perfection but really just future proof. For example, say I have to buy a set of column switches in 3 years, I want to just plug them straight in, without having to chop connectors etc. but thinking ahead I believe you can easily obtain 300tdi onwards connectors so may just convert to that style everywhere. Fuse box is definitley being changed, more modern fuses and more capacity. For the finished product, I want a nice classy looking standard Land Rover from the outside, but inside I think anything goes. I've got a good crimping tool aswell, well, work has:p
Get out, you're stuff usually looks top notch! I take it the tub is complete?

Mine look ok for the most part, I guess they just don't have the depth of yours.
Yep, tub is done, but need to finish some stuff off on the chassis first, but should get it on today with a bit of look.
Well I wish I had your speed, I'm 15 months in now, was supposed to be finished for June but won't happen:(. I keep checking here for your updates.

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