What happened to it?
Traded it in for a Triumph Toledo of all things, 12 cars later the Freelander came along - best car out of the lot IMHO, definately the most interesting, I usually move on to something different every couple of years or so but the Freelander has me hooked ;)
Traded it in for a Triumph Toledo of all things, 12 cars later the Freelander came along - best car out of the lot IMHO, definately the most interesting, I usually move on to something different every couple of years or so but the Freelander has me hooked ;)

Nice one. We had a Dolomite - simpler times!
My pride to keep my first car clean back fired on me today, I spent a good hour or two giving it a good clean and ran the battery down... I now know that the freelander is a heavy lump to push to get it push started. Managed tho and now its running perfect !
My pride to keep my first car clean back fired on me today, I spent a good hour or two giving it a good clean and ran the battery down... I now know that the freelander is a heavy lump to push to get it push started. Managed tho and now its running perfect !

Were you powering a jet spray from the ciggy lighter? and yeah you don't want to push the fooker!

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