
New Member
hi all,

just bought my first one and need some help!

had it 2 days and i have just put my caravan on the back and there is a rubbing sound as the (back drivers side) wheel goes round. this does not happen without the extra weight on the back. what could it be?

and also the front passenger electric window has failed ( i know its a common problem)

what noises should i look out for as being suspicious as i have never ownwed a 4X$ before.

it has a 3 month inclusive warranty.


Sorry pal...cant help directly but...look at things like..wheel bearing..suspension too low...brake pads.

I have just bought my first freelander too...I love it.

1.8 serengeti 03
Hi, Can't help you with your rear wheel, I'm sure someone will help you soon but I know a few memebers have repaired there windows using a cable kit from ebay do a search for freelander window cable.. or you could try searching this site for the bike cable fix
Good luck :)
hi all,

just bought my first one and need some help!

had it 2 days and i have just put my caravan on the back and there is a rubbing sound as the (back drivers side) wheel goes round. this does not happen without the extra weight on the back. what could it be?

and also the front passenger electric window has failed ( i know its a common problem)

what noises should i look out for as being suspicious as i have never ownwed a 4X$ before.

it has a 3 month inclusive warranty.



Suggest you get the window fixed re the warranty and ask them to check the rubbing sound.
Take it back an tell them its fooked an that ye want yer money back an get a proper landy,,,,,,;) ;) ;)
My Disco Td5 pulls my 6 berth tin shed an all the crap that we need,,,(an thats a **** load o stuff) like its not even there.........:D
Or just use the warranty an get it fixed,,, but yer warranty will run out soon, an when summat else goes wrong (and it will,,((doors falling off)),) you'l be be fooked an yer pocket will take a hammerin,,,:eek:

Or ye could just,

BURN IT!!!!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Take it back an tell them its fooked an that ye want yer money back an get a proper landy,,,,,,;) ;) ;)
My Disco Td5 pulls my 6 berth tin shed an all the crap that we need,,,(an thats a **** load o stuff) like its not even there.........:D
Or just use the warranty an get it fixed,,, but yer warranty will run out soon, an when summat else goes wrong (and it will,,((doors falling off)),) you'l be be fooked an yer pocket will take a hammerin,,,:eek:

Or ye could just,

BURN IT!!!!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

dunt go jumpin to concloosions........

lad aint sed its a petrol yet:D
its a td4 not petrol. and i dont want a disco as i dont want to look like a farmer do i?

its called gaylander for a reason and i like it
Take it back an tell them its fooked an that ye want yer money back an get a proper landy,,,,,,;) ;) ;)
My Disco Td5 pulls my 6 berth tin shed an all the crap that we need,,,(an thats a **** load o stuff) like its not even there.........:D
Or just use the warranty an get it fixed,,, but yer warranty will run out soon, an when summat else goes wrong (and it will,,((doors falling off)),) you'l be be fooked an yer pocket will take a hammerin,,,:eek:

Or ye could just,

BURN IT!!!!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Ah'd rather 'ave a gaylander than a fookin' caravan any day o' the week! :D
Fookernell, thass the second outcoming on here in a week - what's this place coming to - wardrobes r us????
:D A cany beleve that there all commin oot aswell :D :D
Not that am boverd,,, if they are poofs then a suppose the gaylander fits,,,,,,,,,,:D an even if there doozls the feckers av got so much airspay in them that it would'nt matter,,,;) :D :D :D
its a td4 not petrol. and i dont want a disco as i dont want to look like a farmer do i?

its called gaylander for a reason and i like it

I know what ya mean mate.. them disco's are a right bag of ****! my
son had one for a while, it was orrible! it cornered like a ****ed rowing boat! big noisy sloppy thing! he soon got rid of it!:p
its a td4 not petrol. and i dont want a disco as i dont want to look like a farmer do i?

Hello DSD.
The Landrover vehicle of choice for a farmer is the Rangerover, it is unlikely that a disco owner will be assumed to be a farmer.
The more likely assumption will be that the disco owner is a menial agricultural worker.
Welcome to the club. ;)
I know what ya mean mate.. them disco's are a right bag of ****! my
son had one for a while, it was orrible! it cornered like a ****ed rowing boat! big noisy sloppy thing! he soon got rid of it!:p
:D :D :D i'm sayin nuffink:D :D :D
disco here, disco there, not very many fuuukin places in my opinion. Like driving a whale.

And yes I have a gaylander....only after my shiny new rangerover fuukin engine blew up...about 2 days after manufacturers warranty..and they were about as helpful as a fuuukin choccy firguard.

Oh yes they very kindly took the engine out..at a mere 475.00 +vat..and then chooked it in the boot..all over my fuukin cream leather interior.

So now...something a little more like a normal car...yes..the FREE lander.

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