Mike will disagree that I am paying him well for sure! But he is the man with the knowledge I just had a vision of what I wanted and he's made it a reality!
Mike was supposed to be off today so i made other plans, but as it turns out his other job was cancelled to he ended up working on my truck. I popped in and took a couple of pics:

Drivers side going in:

Mikey wanted me to show off how awesome his new welder is:

Welding to the front panel:

Inner arch going in:

Working out the tube needed for the rollcage over a cuppa:

Seam sealer being applied:

All eyes on you man...This is superb!! and Mikey Nitro is a genius!! Cant wait to see and hear it come to life!! You gotta film it when You first start her when shes all finished:banana:
I'm following this as well. I think I will have to be doing a lot of work on mine soon and this thread is inspirational. Looks fantastic.

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