
New Member
I have been tring to source a new set of HT leads for my 1996 HSE, when giving the chassis code to the LR dealer they said it had not been found on there database and therefore the veihcle is a special use car?

Does anyone have a clue about this,

The code starts with SABTVR and the last 7 digits are 9202022.

I googled this for ages and it seems that the codes should always start with"SAL"?

Thanks Alex

For your infor im after some HT leads and there is 2 sets but i dont know which to get
Thanks for that link, I entered my chassis number and it comes up as partially unknown and check your typing, otherwise it seems everything is for a North American specifacation DISCCOVERY series 2!!!!!! with a model year of 2002, unknown body, engine, manufacturer and assemlby location.

The chadssis number is correct I have looked at the TAG plate in the engine bay and all the paper work states that same number on all the MOT's and work done on the car.

Should I be worried now?
Thanks for that link, I entered my chassis number and it comes up as partially unknown and check your typing, otherwise it seems everything is for a North American specifacation DISCCOVERY series 2!!!!!! with a model year of 2002, unknown body, engine, manufacturer and assemlby location.

The chadssis number is correct I have looked at the TAG plate in the engine bay and all the paper work states that same number on all the MOT's and work done on the car.

Should I be worried now?

try the vosa website they have an online mot checker. you enter your chassis number and it tells you if the mot is current. if the chassis number is wrong it will tell you it can't find the vehicle.
Also try this link Vin number chart post '79 it will tell you exactly what the 1st 11 digits should be as each model/varient has a specific set of digits and only the last 6 digits are specific to each vehicle

So all 1986 110 2.5na 5speed right hand drive hardtop made in the uk would be SALLDHAC7BA then a 6digit number
I'll have a look thruogh the history and try and call the previous owners and garges they might know.

Thanks for the linkage
Well, Ive got in touch with the previuos owner who tells me that some piont the car had serious flood damage and has had a imported replacement chassis by LR
Well, Ive got in touch with the previuos owner who tells me that some piont the car had serious flood damage and has had a imported replacement chassis by LR

Whoa there I smell bull****. A vehicle that has had heavy flood damage or been exposed to contaminated flood waters is almost allways an automatic Cat A writeoff. unless it was a brandspanking new one when it happened. and why would it need a chassis change steam clean and a waxoyle would see it sorted. My advice is do an HPI check if you haven't done one yet then do it now. see outlanders post "oh Bosted freelander" for the salvage definitions. your chassis number doesn't make any sense to any of the sites I visited trying to figure out where it had come from. Any replacement chassis would have come straight from LR UK unles it was an import in the 1st place.
Where did you buy it from? DVLA will give you a list of all it's previous owners if you ask them. try going back 2 or 3 owners see if you can get any sense from them. Also contact LR UK and ask them to trace the chassis for you. if it was imported they'll know. and seeing as all RR chassis are made in uk why would they export a chassis then reimport it?
As far as the plug leads go the 2 types for LP RR's are A, Gems injected - 95-99my. And B,Bosch injected 99-02my.
The Gems ones - yours probably have a rectangular plenum chamber with 4.0/4.6 cast into the top.Bosch injected ones are the "banana manifold" ones with the 8 curved alloy cast tubes on top.
Was your car converted by a specialist car company when new ? Some specialist companies have done things to LP RR's from new and may have registered them as something different.Just a thought - trying to be positive on a cold summers day,while waiting for supper to arrive.:)

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