No LPG for me. I'm scared of it with these engines after the last 3.9 I had in my Hilux was buggered following an LPG conversion!

What would happen if I kept the resistor and lambda sensors but no cats? I'm thinking of chopping them out for now, and replacing the big middle silencer with a single cat from somewhere else later on. I don't know if it would do enough er converting though. I'm guessing it would need more time to warm up to start working, being further from the engine. So long as it passes a MOT I would be happy.

Oh and the bull bar we be seeing a grinder soon!
That's probably a better idea!

Any idea what it is worth?

Not sure whether to keep the spots or not. They are LR branded. I would prefer a light bar but don't know how they fit, and if one would go on with the current roof bars.
That's probably a better idea!

Any idea what it is worth?

Not sure whether to keep the spots or not. They are LR branded. I would prefer a light bar but don't know how they fit, and if one would go on with the current roof bars.

Anywhere from £40 upwards. I fitted a lightbar to mine the other day. Drill through the gutters. £110 for the bar, 6 lamps and all the wiring.
Heres mine


How its fitted

Little tip on the light bar - drill holes into the bar at the lights, and feed the wires through the bar - makes it a lot more tidier ;)



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I might try that. I can get pipe. No bender though so I could slit it and bend it that way to suit the roof profile. What diameter pipe are they made from?

First things first though, I ruined my front shocks yesterday when changing the springs. The bottom was rotten and snapped off trying to undo the nuts. Also turns out the old springs were heavy duty springs. Much thicker than the standard replacements I have put on.

Farm bar taken off:


31s fitted but immobile now until I get some dampers.
Looks better with no bar. I bought a chrome one for mine as the original one was goosed. But after a week it came off as they look better without one on
Bargain buy and good work!

My 1997 Discovery V8 doesn't have so much of a hint of rust anywhere thankfully! It did when I bought it, but not much. The rear bumper and both sills were the only parts that actually needed replacing though.
New job to do! Sunroofs!

I set off yesterday after it had been parked for a week and got soaked. Properly soaked too, not just a few drips or a dribble, drenched!

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