Ah .. I get it now the 'storm' and 'fanatic' alliance.. troll slayer and renagade.. I'll leave you chaps to your 'interesting' lives. I've googled you both.. Renegade (video game), a 1986 video game .. Trollslayer, a novel written by William King.. night night chaps.. I'll leave you in the world you inhabit.
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Ah .. I get it now the 'storm' and 'fanatic' alliance.. troll slayer and renagade.. I'll leave you chaps to you 'interesting' lives. I've googled you both.. Renegade (video game), a 1986 video game .. Trollslayer, a novel written by William King.. night night chaps.. I'll leave you in the world you inhabit.

i googled aston108 and this came up..

Well you're still here despite twice saying you were going to bed..so either you're full of ****..or you're too fat to waddle to the bedroom...
No. night off...so i'm obviously sober.

In fact i'm off all week...so a temporary ban may be in order....
ho hum....

Anyway...I laced the underneath of my collapsed seat with a handfull of bungies a couple of years ago...worked fine and still does...


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