Rang Flux for a quote on SWMBO's 'new' 2009 Mondeo Estate.

They wanted £69, to flip it from the Passat, for the remaining 5 months, I'd get back a piffling £25 if I fully cancelled the Passat, or the thick end of £500 for the Mondy on its own sheet!!

Needless to say, Admiral got the business at £265 all in. I'll let the Passat run as it means I can take the landy off the road for a few weeks to get the welding and other time consuming jobs done!
Remember guys if anyone has any issues please do contact me straight away, my role is now permanently based within owners clubs & forums so I am only ever a PM away - I will try my utmost to help in any way possible.

Remember guys if anyone has any issues please do contact me straight away, my role is now permanently based within owners clubs & forums so I am only ever a PM away - I will try my utmost to help in any way possible.


ok jordan.can i pm you with my details and i will see if you reply this time.:p:D
I know that your role is somewhat limited here Jordan but one of your competitors who are actually on a parallel with price offer the same forum service but also deal with the taking out of the policy and in the event of a claim also acts as a liaison and deals with the claim.

I've stuck with flux due to my loyalty to this forum but I must admit to being concerned about how I will be treated in the event of making a claim.

I'd be buggered if flux took this long settling my claim.

Can you give us any pearls of wisdom to make us think that renewing with you is a good idea in the slightest?:(
I know that your role is somewhat limited here Jordan but one of your competitors who are actually on a parallel with price offer the same forum service but also deal with the taking out of the policy and in the event of a claim also acts as a liaison and deals with the claim.

I've stuck with flux due to my loyalty to this forum but I must admit to being concerned about how I will be treated in the event of making a claim.

I'd be buggered if flux took this long settling my claim.

Can you give us any pearls of wisdom to make us think that renewing with you is a good idea in the slightest?:(

ratty,pm incoming.
I know that your role is somewhat limited here Jordan but one of your competitors who are actually on a parallel with price offer the same forum service but also deal with the taking out of the policy and in the event of a claim also acts as a liaison and deals with the claim.

I've stuck with flux due to my loyalty to this forum but I must admit to being concerned about how I will be treated in the event of making a claim.

I'd be buggered if flux took this long settling my claim.

Can you give us any pearls of wisdom to make us think that renewing with you is a good idea in the slightest?:(

Hi Ratty,

Thanks for the message.

The problem we have as an insurance broker is that we are an intermediary - So we're working on behalf, the middle man so to speak.

Therefore in the event of a claim it's outsourced to our claims handler. This particular case is a one off & claims are always dealt with as fast and efficient as possible. I can only give my word that I will constantly do my utmost to help as I've stated previously.

Like you've said, I am limited as to what I can do, but to know there's a friendly face within the forum even if it's just for a query - I can save the time, hassle & the phone bill by sending a quick PM to me.

We are always looking at ways to improve things, one of our recent changes has been myself moving into a role where I manage our relations with all owners clubs and forums - So I am now going to be on hand permanently for you guys - Be it you want me to review a renewal, argue with an underwriter for a better price for you, ask a question about a policy or just insurance questions in general, I'll be at the other end of the PM system.

So moving forward I'm hoping to be able to provide you guys with more assistance with all aspects of insurance, more presence on the forum, maybe even some competitions/giveaways. As I've said before I'm not here to defend Adrian Flux, I know there's times we mess up - I'm hoping I can help to rectify these situations and prevent re-occurrences. Feedback is always appreciated & does get acted upon where possible,

I'm only human but I am here with my best foot forward :)


Hi Ratty,

Thanks for the message.

The problem we have as an insurance broker is that we are an intermediary - So we're working on behalf, the middle man so to speak.

Therefore in the event of a claim it's outsourced to our claims handler. This particular case is a one off & claims are always dealt with as fast and efficient as possible. I can only give my word that I will constantly do my utmost to help as I've stated previously.

Like you've said, I am limited as to what I can do, but to know there's a friendly face within the forum even if it's just for a query - I can save the time, hassle & the phone bill by sending a quick PM to me.

We are always looking at ways to improve things, one of our recent changes has been myself moving into a role where I manage our relations with all owners clubs and forums - So I am now going to be on hand permanently for you guys - Be it you want me to review a renewal, argue with an underwriter for a better price for you, ask a question about a policy or just insurance questions in general, I'll be at the other end of the PM system.

So moving forward I'm hoping to be able to provide you guys with more assistance with all aspects of insurance, more presence on the forum, maybe even some competitions/giveaways. As I've said before I'm not here to defend Adrian Flux, I know there's times we mess up - I'm hoping I can help to rectify these situations and prevent re-occurrences. Feedback is always appreciated & does get acted upon where possible,

I'm only human but I am here with my best foot forward :)



Fine words, but actions speak louder than words and as far as aware OP situation not resolved
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Hi Ratty,

Thanks for the message.

The problem we have as an insurance broker is that we are an intermediary - So we're working on behalf, the middle man so to speak.

Therefore in the event of a claim it's outsourced to our claims handler. This particular case is a one off & claims are always dealt with as fast and efficient as possible. I can only give my word that I will constantly do my utmost to help as I've stated previously.

Like you've said, I am limited as to what I can do, but to know there's a friendly face within the forum even if it's just for a query - I can save the time, hassle & the phone bill by sending a quick PM to me.

We are always looking at ways to improve things, one of our recent changes has been myself moving into a role where I manage our relations with all owners clubs and forums - So I am now going to be on hand permanently for you guys - Be it you want me to review a renewal, argue with an underwriter for a better price for you, ask a question about a policy or just insurance questions in general, I'll be at the other end of the PM system.

So moving forward I'm hoping to be able to provide you guys with more assistance with all aspects of insurance, more presence on the forum, maybe even some competitions/giveaways. As I've said before I'm not here to defend Adrian Flux, I know there's times we mess up - I'm hoping I can help to rectify these situations and prevent re-occurrences. Feedback is always appreciated & does get acted upon where possible,

I'm only human but I am here with my best foot forward :)



One of your competitors in the same role as yourself deals with the taking out of the policy, queries during the policy time and also the claim in the event of their being one. Surely one point of contact is a better way to go?

The fact that you can't help sort out this outstanding case is making me extremely jittery especially as I have a lot of declared mods on my vehicle. :scratching_chin:
Fine words, but actions speak louder than words and as far as aware OP situation not resolved

I appreciate that Fanatic, I wasn't expecting open arms but I will do my best. I obviously can't go into details regarding a policy on an open forum.

One of your competitors in the same role as yourself deals with the taking out of the policy, queries during the policy time and also the claim in the event of their being one. Surely one point of contact is a better way to go?

The fact that you can't help sort out this outstanding case is making me extremely jittery especially as I have a lot of declared mods on my vehicle. :scratching_chin:

Ratty, if I could, I would - Trust me. The trouble is we affiliate with many owners clubs and I've only got one pair of hands & one phone on my desk. I manage the clubs/forums but we have a dedicated team in each department to deal with specifics (Ie. Quotes, customer service, renewals, admin, claims) We also have a specific 4x4 quotes department that are trained to know about modifications and greenlaning/off roading etc.

We are constantly expanding so it's something we may look at in the future though.


I appreciate that Fanatic, I wasn't expecting open arms but I will do my best. I obviously can't go into details regarding a policy on an open forum.

Ratty, if I could, I would - Trust me. The trouble is we affiliate with many owners clubs and I've only got one pair of hands & one phone on my desk. I manage the clubs/forums but we have a dedicated team in each department to deal with specifics (Ie. Quotes, customer service, renewals, admin, claims) We also have a specific 4x4 quotes department that are trained to know about modifications and greenlaning/off roading etc.

We are constantly expanding so it's something we may look at in the future though.



My opinions well known and pays your money and takes your choice
My opinions well known and pays your money and takes your choice

all i can say is fanatic is,i have just had a quote of flux and it was prettyyyy good,specialist 4x4 insurer and everything declared and taken into account,but the aftercare is still a worry i admit.:scratching_chin:
Jordan - how about honoring the forum discount to members who have business vehicle insurance with you? I just get told that business policies are outside of the discount :(
Jordan - how about honoring the forum discount to members who have business vehicle insurance with you? I just get told that business policies are outside of the discount :(

Bump, when you say business - are you referring to a commercial policy?

If you wouldn't mind, could you PM me your details & I'll look into this for you? As we should be able to offer the forum discount for you.


No Motor Trade policies either

Motor trade policies we did up until a couple of years ago but there was little to no interest in them, as an insurance broker it's down to the underwriters & currently we don't have anyone that can offer them, there's nothing to say in the future we won't be able to help - I'll certainly try and push for it to be looked into in more depth.

Motor trade policies we did up until a couple of years ago but there was little to no interest in them, as an insurance broker it's down to the underwriters & currently we don't have anyone that can offer them, there's nothing to say in the future we won't be able to help - I'll certainly try and push for it to be looked into in more depth.


Be interesting who underwrites them, MID online feature, protected no claims etc
I'm with flux however up for renewal in sept and I don't thinkni will be ith them.

I've never claimed from them and have been a customer 10 years other premiums come in circa £220 cheaper for more mileage per year.

So it's a no brainer to leave

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