100kgs of diesel would be some where in the region of 80 kgs on a warm day.

Why don't you measure the difference in height from side to side, compare it with the difference in length of the springs given in the chart thing I posted earlier. Then if the difference you have is way out, I reckon the springs are fooooked.
It's a nice try nobber, but it's bollox mate ;)

Diesel weighs a bit less than water - approx 7lBs per US gallon, 8.4lBs per imperial gallon or 0.84 Kgs/litre. Land Rover 90 tank is 55 litres so 46Kgs.

Exact calcs for diesel depend on the specific gravity - which changes through the year, typically, because of differing requirements for fuels in summer and winter ambient temps.

Riddle me this - if it were heavier than water, why would it float as it does instead of sinking?
a us gallon of jet fuel(parafin) is 6lbs.

6x1.2x12/2.2 =abart 39ish

so yer tanks gonna have abart 39kgs of fuel in, it hardly gonna load the spring up is it
It dunt reeeeely matter how heavy deeeezil is as far as his leaning landies concerned. Cos the tanks on the higher side. Your not running it on hydrogen are you?
Nah that wunt work Grunt - 55 litres of H2 wunt lift so much as a shock absorber off a landy let alone the whole side ;)
nah me laddos, the fuel thing came abart cause someone sed his landy wur higher at the back fer towing and fuel reasons. wint fook all to do wiff tiltin.. whatevva gave you that idea..
Neither - but 100kgs of Hydrogen is approx 100cubic meters or 100,000 litres whereas a 100kgs of diezool is only 119 litres :D
Neither - but 100kgs of Hydrogen is approx 100cubic meters or 100,000 litres whereas a 100kgs of diezool is only 119 litres :D

aye but no but aye ...shirley if the hydrogen wur pressurised it would take up less space whereas you can't compress denzil

But I am way out with the calc for the gaseous volume of hydrogen anyway - it's actually 2,241,400 litres for a 100kgs of hydrogen at STP ;)

by george i think i have it..

The flame temperature can also be predicted from the First Law of Thermodynamics given by
En[h°+Dh] = En[h°+Dh] +Q
r i f i p i f i l

where ni is moles of species i per mole of fuel,

hf°; the enthalpy of formation at standard temperature,

h = h(T) - h(T°) = C p(T - T°),

T° is standard temperature,

R and P are reactant and product.

Ql represents the heat loss per mole of fuel consumed.

In this experiment the flame is established on a flat flame burner as shown in Figure 2. The burner is water cooled and the heat loss from the flame to the burner can be measured by measuring the difference in enthalpy between the inlet and outlet cooling water.

q = mCw(To - Ti)
where q is the heat loss per unit time, m is the mass flow rate, Cw the specific heat of the cooling fluid (water) and T o and Ti are the outlet and inlet temperatures, respectively.

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