damn, rumbled. you can also see me spraying my green stuff over the fence. hah hah hah hah hah hah hah. and its kind to animals.
well surely when u sit in it it will level out?
surely it must be something to do with camber or some thing like that???
well surely when u sit in it it will level out?

Nah, not fat enough to make it level out!

It's a good inch lower, I think the springs are just a bit tired, but nothing serious, doesn't affect handling or anything.

The previous owner used it for towing, so I might change them soon.
all four springs on a ninety/defender are different , they do lean to one side.
people say its for the driver and fuel but i reckon thats bollox , its to counteract the torque when you try to pull a 2 tonne trailer up a steep hill.
exactely, i knew someone wud have a good explanation.
why would they have left and right hand side springs if they were all the same? they would just be springs.
good work nobster
I can understand the rear to be higher because of fuel and towing, but why would one side be lower than the other. Other Defenders I see don't seem to be as bad.

If you look from the rear, the body looks quite wrongish on the axle. Doesn't look major, but just looks wrong.
when u latch a trailer on back isnt going to sink really low, it will settle to a more natural looking height. tanks in 110 are behind rear axle too.
the extra height conpensates for all the extra weight u may have on the rear.

lets see some pics then and see how bad it is
if yer trailer is loaded correctly it wint alter the height much.. if you have too much weight at front of trailer it pushes the back of towing vehicle down and the front up. this results in scarey steering as its goes on light at the front and drfits all over the shop.. ,if you have too much weight at the rear of the trailer it lifts the rear of the vehicle and causes yer steering to become heavy.
as fer fuel well am sure the ride height int gonna alter much after all how much weight is there in a full tank compared to the carrying capacity of yer landy? am guessing here but i would have thought about 100kgs fer a tank load. ah hope a landy wil carry a **** load more than that without sitting on the bump stops
Here's a pic

Hint: Look at the level of the rear cmember.


  • P1020982.JPG
    105.2 KB · Views: 266
am guessing here but i would have thought about 100kgs fer a tank load.

come on slob , this ain't hard..

1 ltr of water weighs 1 kg at 4 degrees Celsius.
diesel will weigh slightly more being of a slightly higher viscosity so we shall make a slight deduction from the final figure to compensate.

100kgs of diesel would be some where in the region of 80 kgs on a warm day.

a landys tank (90/110) holds 12 gallons. one gallon equals 1.2 us liquid gallons , 277.42 cubic inches or 4.54609 litres.

4.54609 x 12 = 54.48828 litres.
minus say 20% for the diesels higher viscosity which is 10.897656 litres ,
leaves us with 43.590625 litres

thats 43 1/2 kgs of fuel in a landys tank when its full, give or take a few.
did anyone say it wur doosul?? cos ah dint look. and i was going on the assumption it wur a big tank like wot i got.

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