
Crazier than a box of frogs on acid
Hello all. :)

Well I've bought another disco. Was kind of a spur of the moment type thing. It came up at the right time and had money burning a hole in me pocket so couldn't say no:eek:

Plus she's a 3 door and have always wanted one.

Anyway here she is. :bounce:

And big and little parked side by side. :D

Couple more pics.

So the rust.....

Nearside inner wing.

Drivers footwell.

Boot floor.


Both sides the same so going to get the box section treatment.

So that's what I'm up against. Rear crossmember needs doing too as does the offside wing but forgot pics of them.

Done about a days worth of work on it so far. Firstly took the rear quarter panel off.... Wish I didn't though. :(

Repaired a hole in the rear footwell at the bottom of the arch.

Then made a start on the sill.

Was a lot easier than anticipated as most of the sill fell orf when I took a hammer to it.

So then the box section went in and started welding it up. :)

Hopefully get the new body mounts made and welded on tomorrow then can start think about seam sealing and painting.

Cheers for reading. :)
What's it going to end up as?
Anyway, I love the 3 doors but may I ask, how much is something like that in England?

Hopefully it will end up being my daily drive. :) but would like to do some greenlaning and maybe an expedition or 2 in it.

So a fair bit different to the silver one which is just a pay and play toy. :D

I love the 3 doors too.

And this cost me £300. Another reason I couldn't turn it down when it came up. :)
And only a small snippet of what I did today.

Finished welding in the box section sill. Got one body mount fully welded up and need to make the other at work. Then repaired the hole in the passenger footwell which I did actually take a picture of.

Going to make a start on cutting the driver side sill out during the week after work then can think about getting it finished and welded up at the weekend.

Once sills are done I'm going to pull the dash out and think about repairing the footwells and bulkhead then move forward to the inner wings.

Bit of an update. :)

Had a couple more days of work on the 3 door this weekend.

So. Firstly all the rot I cut out in the rear quarter. :eek:

Then began to piece it back together.

Then chucked on some seam sealer and began painting with some zinc phosphate primer.

Left the hole on the floor there as I'll be replacing the whole boot floor and floor skirts. :)

And painted.

Then fixed the arch.

So that's that side pretty much done. Just need to replace the boot floor skirt and can think about painting it black and affixing the rear quarter panel for good.

So in the meantime started on the drivers side.

Body mount not even attached and flapping around in the wind.

And a hole again in the rear footwell. Which was impressively bodged with gaffa tape. :wtf:

Hopefully I'll get some more done tomorrow and Monday. :)


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