
thinking of getting another P38 and running it on LPG as my TD5 Disco reminds me of growing up on a farm and listening to the drone of tractors all day, also the fuel economy is nothing to write home about. I do about 600 miles a week all on the motorway, what MPG should i be expecting? is there a major difference between the 4.6 and 4.0 (economy,performance and reliability?)
I just checked my trip and I've done 300 miles since I last reset it. In that time I have been driving to work and back only (4 miles each way in the city) and it's averaged 14.2

Not too bad I suppose as I get the benefit of looking down on the ordinary people.
My 4.0 will do 20mpg on a run, but 16 to 18mpg is all I can really expect with mixed driving.
Forgot to mention Im averaging 19 on the same run in my P38 diesel
Thanks Craig[/quote

I think your diesel may require a bit of a tune-up, I just did a 300 mile trip up & down the M1 towing a very large trailer at 60 & it was showing 25mpg, I get over 35 at a steady 60!!(no trailer)
Just for the record, I once kept it at 50mph for many miles & it showed just over 40!!
'Normal' town driving gives about 25 or so.
I know its about right as I keep a check on fuel used/mileage etc.
I am totally over the moon with my P38s fuel consumption.(chipped)

BTW, had several V8's, but got fed-up constantly refuelling, ok, not so much power by a long shot, but got other cars & bikes if I wish to get a shift-on!!
Forgot to mention Im averaging 19 on the same run in my P38 diesel
Thanks Craig[/quote

I think your diesel may require a bit of a tune-up, I just did a 300 mile trip up & down the M1 towing a very large trailer at 60 & it was showing 25mpg, I get over 35 at a steady 60!!(no trailer)
Just for the record, I once kept it at 50mph for many miles & it showed just over 40!!
'Normal' town driving gives about 25 or so.
I know its about right as I keep a check on fuel used/mileage etc.
I am totally over the moon with my P38s fuel consumption.(chipped)

BTW, had several V8's, but got fed-up constantly refuelling, ok, not so much power by a long shot, but got other cars & bikes if I wish to get a shift-on!!

Hey modelman, you don't drive a gold P38 do you?? Passed a DSE towing today on the M1 and looked in and gave a wave, no response though. Hi if it was you :D

Craig, unless you are super heavy on the right foot then I also think you need a tune up. Like modelman I also spent most of my day on the M1 today. Set the cruise at 70mph and just sat like it for mile after mile. I did a 250 mile round trip and this is what I got when I pulled back onto the drive at home...


I also make sure I work out my fuel consumption to see if the computer is correct and it always turns out to be. Are you chipped or unchipped??

-Wills :)
unchipped and i do tend to get a shift on. I drove from Bedale in North Yorkshire to Bambury and back, ok i was shifting on a bit, and it was no better than 25mpg i reckon. My mechanic had it in for the MOT the other day and he felt it was a bit sluggish too, he suggested the Oxygen sensor may be at fault
Hey modelman, you don't drive a gold P38 do you?? Passed a DSE towing today on the M1 and looked in and gave a wave, no response though. Hi if it was you

Afraid not, if another 'Rangie' waves I will wave back.:)

Mine is Rioja Red/Lightstone.
Hi Wills
No mine is not chipped yet. What sort of tunning is required? just thought that as diesel you just changed the oil and had injector pump timing checked?

Thanks Craig

I am running a 4.6 hse LPG multi point conversion over the last 1700 miles i have an ave of 17 mpg normally get 260 miles out of 75 litres of lpg (last fill up was £31.33) mostly A roads and stuck behind lorries for my travel to and from work but do get to put my foot in a few times a week.

Hope this helps

The Dude
2.5 DT
I get 34mpg on a long run at 70mph on the trip but when calculated by filling the tank again it's actually 28
And local runs I get 25mpg on the trip and calculated its actually 22mpg
I've got a 4.6 running multi point gas, average about 14.5 - 15.2 mpg knocking around town. Have had 22 on a run steady 65 - 70. With the current cost of petrol / diesel being over twice that of gas, it makes the big V8 a realistic option.
I run 2.5 DHSE (when I can get in it) chipped when bought

42 mpg steady 56 mph on a road from wales

32 mpg towing caravan to Yorkshire and 28 when towing caravan across Scotland(highlands)

said ems chipped but actually ecu reprogrammed by TB Turbo Lacaster. Well worth it.
hi all i own a 4.6 hse 97my , up to installing my present engine i was achieving approx 14.5 - 15.5 mpg on a run on petrol and 13ish on lpg .
at Christmas however my engine gave out with severe overheating problems so i fitted a low mileage s/h unit which knocks spots off the original engine it now regularly returns 21 / 22 on a run on petrol @ 70 / 80 mph and around 18/19 on lpg these figure are worked out fom fill up to fill up and basically identical to what the computer says .

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