Greetings Ratty, you aint rigging the poll on the other fred are you?
Could have sworn Gramps is a grumpier bastid than Trewey ;)

I never touched it.:eek:

It's probably where the rest of the codgers is asleep in their armchairs. They'll vote when they wake up.:D:D:D
When you say "we " hummer doc, i geuss you mean the "royal we", as you aint doing the work yerself. This hideous creation is obviously in a body shop, nobody has that sort of stuff at home, forklift, car hoist, and how many car panels????

Typical big-headed american!
couldn't help but notice the british plate. I for one applaud you, it's your motor to do what you want with it. had a moggie minor with V8 jag back axle etc, the purists didn't like that either.LEE
now then, well it looks like not every body is right keen on your project, cant see why ! every one who ownes a landy of what ever type, puts there own mark on it. so why do what you have done cos you can thats why. well i think its brill and wish i was doing it, so keep at it . it will look the dogs nuts.
couldn't help but notice the british plate. I for one applaud you, it's your motor to do what you want with it. had a moggie minor with V8 jag back axle etc, the purists didn't like that either.LEE

Here Here!

Looking good Hummerdoc looking very good.
When you say "we " hummer doc, i geuss you mean the "royal we", as you aint doing the work yerself. This hideous creation is obviously in a body shop, nobody has that sort of stuff at home, forklift, car hoist, and how many car panels????

Typical big-headed american!

Ah the whiff of jealousy, aint it overpowering. Maybe if you too work very hard, you'll be just as good as Hummerdoc when you grow up:D
1st Test Drive
It was AMAZING.........handled very well.....
Here are a few pictures


The interior is complete

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