Oh & nice to know I'm bothering you Boomer.

Nah, I wouldn't give you that satisfaction - you are not bothering me at all. :p
I (like most other members) readily accept the fact that there are people from all walks of life on this forum with so much knowledge to offer combined with many different points of view.
They make this forum extremely informative and so much fun as well.
We NEED pompous, sanctimonious arses like you.......... :D
At the end of the day Doc all you will be doing is making a Hummer look more capable than it really is, are you sure your a Cardiologist & not an Abortionist ?
We NEED pompous, sanctimonious arses like you.......... :D

Why is it whenever Chromie posts something I get a mental image of Walter the Softy from Dennis the Menace in the Beano?

"Oh No! We mustn't do any nasty off road driving or we might get our nice clean clothes dirty! :eek:"
Do you think he's got a pink poodle call Foo Foo? :D
Here y'are Chromie... avatar image for ye...

ere doc fair play for you getting yer hands dirty etc but is there any logical reasons why your doing this project ?
ere doc fair play for you getting yer hands dirty etc but is there any logical reasons why your doing this project ?

wtf is the point of that load of crap ?????????

No need for a reason, we're all individuals and some of us like to be a bit different from the 'pack'.
It's mad yet strangely interesting, why the hell not build something as daft as this?

It's certainly, um........................

..........................creative :rolleyes:
it is showing some skill and dedication... not something I would do but no more bizarre than some of the things we've seen..

if you fix hearts like you build abominable landy's then I best take your number....
Nice way around not getting a real chassis. I drove a real one once in the snow in Gardez SF base in Afghanistan. Bloody awful things showed up a couple of SF bods when they asked if I could reverse a trailer for them Lol

I know H1 chassis' are all dismantled and cut into 6 pieces and sold as scrap I know of only 2 complete vehicles military spec (extra sparce) in the UK that are at tanksalot dot com he got them from the blackhawk down film set and repaired the thousands of bullet holes in them (yes they actually used real bullets). I think my brother still has 2 front hub units inc the portal parts he got for spares ages ago when he was working somewhere but never used If only we had 4 we could get my 90 on independant portals!!!! Jai

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