for f**k sake, how many of you can honestly say; if some one dangled the keys to a military spec H1 in your face, you'd say "ooh no, couldn't possibly accept that, ooh no its an american car, ooh its rubbish" - BOLLOX that vehicle is tough as f**k and looks it too

Military spec H1, sure I'd have a go... but a disco that's been mucked about with and had a H1 body stuck on it so it won't perform like a disco and it'll look like a H1...

Yep - I'll stick me hand up as one person who wouldn't want to drive it!

I'd rather have a go on my mates 6.2 litre, supercharged, Mercedes V8 powered Steam Punk trike thanks - now there's a fookin project!

Oh yeah... Chromium... buy a proppa Land Rover before you start calling people "Gaylords" or everyone'll just think you're cruising for a piece of ass.
Oh yeah... Chromium... buy a proppa Land Rover

Adz Adz Adz,
Already got one of the best Landrovers ever designed, a Freelander or in your case Fearlander cause they terrify pussies like you so much ha ha ha.

Anyhoo, didn't you promise in another thread that you were going to ignore me, please promise me that in future you will, your erratic, inconsistent input just aint that interesting anymore............

Hummerdoc, keep letting us folks who are genuinely interested in this project know how it's going & ignore halfwits like Adz. Not liking your project & mentioning it once would be his right, but it's getting boring hearing him winge on for the umpteenth time. Does it really offend him that much that you're turning two scrappers into one unique vehicle, it's not as if he's funding it all by himself, though you'd think he was by all his whining.
Already got one of the best Landrovers ever designed, a Freelander or in your case Fearlander cause they terrify pussies like you so much ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha ah ah ah h ah ahh e hh eh eh heheh ehehh eh eeh eheheh ehe h eh eh eh h ehehehehh hah ah ahahahhah ahahahahah ahah a hheehehehehehhehehahhahahah aha ahhaahaah ahahah heheheh ehe he eh ehehe ehheheheheh ehh aww stobbit will ya, Freelander, fearlander, terrifying teeny weeny baby cats, best Landrover ever designed, aww pack it in, me sides are splitting! ;)
Right you are then Chromium... pick yer pay and play site... time to put up or shut up mate.
Is it possable for someone to post the pictures actually on this thread? Truth be told, I'm too lazy to trawl through the hundreds of pictures on the Discovery section to actually look for them.
Right you are then Chromium... pick yer pay and play site...

Still not ignoring me? anyhoo I only do onroading as I'm not a farmer, actually started a thread on this a while back & I still reckon a Freelander is best onroad (a lot better than my old & much loved classic Rangie was).
Still not ignoring me? anyhoo I only do onroading as I'm not a farmer, actually started a thread on this a while back & I still reckon a Freelander is best onroad (a lot better than my old & much loved classic Rangie was).

not getting involved in your little spat you understand but surely an aston V8 Vantage is better on road than a gaylander... if you want an off road car buy one, if you want an on road car buy one.. easy... but what's with I have a tame softroader and think it's better than a proper offroader cos I only ever drive it on the road....
Still not ignoring me?

When it's so much fun annoying you instead? Not a chance. Perhaps if you'd left it alone I'd have carried on ignoring you, but you couldn't do that could ya? So now I'm gonna have ter saddle you up and ride you around for a bit longer.

anyhoo I only do onroading as I'm not a farmer, actually started a thread on this a while back & I still reckon a Freelander is best onroad (a lot better than my old & much loved classic Rangie was).

This explains a lot... in otherwords, you bought a Land Rover when what you actually needed, both as transport and lifestyle statement, was a Volvo estate.
not getting involved in your little spat you understand but surely an aston V8 Vantage is better on road than a gaylander... if you want an off road car buy one, if you want an on road car buy one.. easy... but what's with I have a tame softroader and think it's better than a proper offroader cos I only ever drive it on the road....

I know what you're saying, of course a V8 Vantage is best - I wish I could afford one. The only reason I've gone for 4 wheel drive is that I live in a semi rural area, small unsalted country roads at the top of a steep hill & when the road gets covered in snow or ice two wheel drive won't cut it. I don't need a total mudplugger & my last car was a BMW525ix estate & before that a couple of mk1 RAVs & a classic Rangie. If I didn't live where I am then it would be something rear wheel drive any day. I kind of drifted towards the TD4 because I wanted an economical automatic 4x4 that would accomodate my ample frame after ruling out a Shogun Pinin (too rusty) & mk2 Ravs were just outwith my budget. The TD4 which was third choice ended up winning even though I'd heard some horror stories about earlier & especially petrol Freelanders. The one I got has surprised me by its ride & handling, economy & after a little fettling, performance.

I actually do respect the hard core Defenders etc. it's just donkeys like ADZ that have to be reminded that their opinion isn't the only one even if I am in the minority.
even if I am in the minority.

It's not that you're in the minority, it's because you're a ****er. Onroading cuz yer not a farmer? Do you think you might have picked the wrong forum?

Oooooooo, 'ang on, 'some fettling for performance'? Phwoar, you know how ter live semi rural geez'. ;)
Oooh careful Grippa... you might get called a donkey an orl! :eek:

small unsalted country roads at the top of a steep hill & when the road gets covered in snow or ice two wheel drive won't cut it.
Neither will a Freelander unless you learn to drive it and fit some tyres that will cope with ice and snow.

Perhaps you should consider moving Crummie... somewhere 8 or maybe 9 hundred miles West of where you are currently would be favourite.
Nah, Grippas all right, I don't mind a good dose of the truth. It's just you ADZ, it's just you...............................................

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