Rear Direction indicator incorrect colour both (4.4.3 (a))

The lens is white and the bulb is Amber. Passed previous MOT no problem but failed this time around.

Going for re test in a couple of days at a different MOT station.

What can I do? Indicators look Amber when they're flashing.
I guess you're right. Do they measure the colour or what?

No it will be mk1 eyeball, as in testers judgment which of course is perfect and unflawed:D

I change loads of them bulbs at work some are so white it is daft, others are halfway house, and when bulb removed some have obvious split laquer yet others are hard to tell apart from the new bulbs!
No it will be mk1 eyeball, as in testers judgment which of course is perfect and unflawed:D

I change loads of them bulbs at work some are so white it is daft, others are halfway house, and when bulb removed some have obvious split laquer yet others are hard to tell apart from the new bulbs!
Thanks for your help. Two new Lucas bulbs if Halfords stock them and I'll be sure to leave the empty boxes on the passenger seat for Mr Tester to see.
I used to know an mot tester who was very uptight and sensitive, if he thought a customer was being sarcastic or taking the mickey in any way, his car would fail big style. He failed a car once just because he didn't like the look of the owner. It's easier to question decisions these days but in the 70's it was take it or leave it.

I used to know an mot tester who was very uptight and sensitive, if he thought a customer was being sarcastic or taking the mickey in any way, his car would fail big style. He failed a car once just because he didn't like the look of the owner. It's easier to question decisions these days but in the 70's it was take it or leave it.


Everything is scrutinised these days, and the tester is accountable if he's being unfairly biased. There's an official complaints procedure, which if investigated and found the tester was being unfair, he could either have to retake his tester qualification, or be stuck off altogether. I've seen this happen to a tester first hand, so it's something that shouldn't happen too often now. :)
when i last put my mini through the tester got physically stuck as the seats where fixed and he was a tad larger than me, he then dropped it into the brake test and tore off the exhaust, blamed it on a loose exhaust but i had just re-sealed and secured it for the test.
anyway - he "found" holes in the floor with the spikey end of the CTT - corrosion test tool, and i was a bit fuming - found out that the blunt end only is to be used at first and only the spike after a hole is found.
But in hind site - i took to the floor with a block hammer and there wasn't much strength in it, so at the end of the day he was right. that was a year or so ago, the mini is still waiting on a floor... some day lol
We do have loads of stories in work of strange testers and comments - one was from a 72 cadet, the tester wanted the only 2 switches more clearly identified, or the other a modified beetle where the owner has to second guess which way they want the mods presented each year - they alternate between what is acceptable. Over here there are no private garages do it only government centers.

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