
New Member
Evening all

Just had the landy fail for the second time on smokey engine at idle and when revving from idle. Damn thing has passed on everything else, but not that, even with the addition of plenty "stop smoke" stuff for the retest. boo.

It's worst when it's been idling for ages (like they did with it on the MOT) then when it's revved there's a fair cloud of blue....

Doesn't do it much on the overrun, and doesn't do it under power.

First stop is inlet valve seals - anything else it might be? Apart from just being generally worn out... Worth a rebuild or a replace? Not scared of either, wanting to keep it cheap (but I'll be doing it properly if a rebuild) Smokeyness is independent of crankcase ventilation system.

it's a 2.25 petrol btw, 3 brg engine code from a 'aeroportable' landy, in a 68 S2A.

Cheers :cool:
they are cheap to rebuild and a pleasure ,rebore £120 pistons £10 each ,get 4 exhaust seats fitted (unleaded )new guides(press or tap in) and valves ,they dont like idling did you take it for a thrash and get it hot before hand
cheers James. it had an 11 mile trip to warm up nicely. Hadn't thought about unleaded seats - they hard to do?

can get rebore for about 80 quid from a feller in Newcastle, just did dad's mini engine.
not hard but you need a machine to cut hole usually a tenner each ,you only need the 4 exhaust oviously you fit new guides in first old one knock out ,ensure if you get it rebored he leaves at least 1 thou under clearance size in bore to hone out to size ,some just put hone on finished size and its not enough
thanks mate :) will see if it gets as far as a rebore, might be OK just with head rebuild :) will whip a piston out and check big ends and bore on one cylinder before lifting the engine out. if it needs it, it needs it, as you say, not expensive.
finally got round to taking the head off, pretty coked up but not too bad nick. micrometer's ran out of batterys but there's a feelable step at the top if the bore. oil in 4 fell in when taking it to bits...


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at the test? yeah it was, don't need a number, just an 'is it too smokey?' question. which it apparently was.
No real words of wisdom from me :D

Good luck, maybe fresh oil in the oil bath or run it dry for the test, go on a windy day and use a mot place that understands the engine needs to be hot.
cheers :) It's running an SU so no oil bath, they did it inside (which was the issue LOL) It was nice and warm, and only just too bad, but VOSA were doing spot checks on the industrial estate (they had got 2 people when i smoked past) - they said if VOSA hadn't been there then it would may well have been OK....
VOSA were at mine last month too, except they were after lorries leaking diesel. Have they had a budget cut? :p
that pic of the cylinder head looks to me that the valve stem oil seals are shagged to me give it a fookin good steam clean and blast with the parraffin gun then change them oil seals and get it back to the station ........itll be reet :D:D:D
The whole emissions and smoke tests **** me off big time, it's got nowt to do with vehicle road worthiness or safety, just appeasing the bunny huggers and save the world from global warming pricksareus driving knobs.
well new valve seals have cured the cloud of impregnable blue smoke, but mr tester was not happy about the great big gobbets of oily blob it was chucking out of the back.

One of em revved it while the other one had his hand over the back, and it were like a bomb had gone off in a tin of old engine oil, and it smelt horrid.

Looks like a rebore's on the cards.

Bloody stupid test, rest of it's OK and it's a hell of a lot less smoky than a newish diesel going flat out.
change the exhaust or remove it and chuck the fukker on the nearest bonfire to burn the oil out of the fukker and remove yer exhaust fanimold and jetwash the fekker out good n proppa

the globlets of oil are just whats in the exhaust it just needs a fekkin good cleaning out :D:D:D
lol. Will give that a go then next :)

frendly fellers only tested the smoke as their MOT machine was buggered (wasn't talkin to VOSA) so twas free. Will blast oil out and give it another shot :)
well that didn't work either...

probably because the bore has a bit of a step in it.

PC260018 by 1275midget, on Flickr

so much so that I had to hammer the pistons out. There was fairly substantial evidence of blow past on the pistons which I forgot to take a picture of. (pistons were cleaned rapidly in order to convince the g/f that they'd make great pen holders)

This is the state of the head after about 40 miles from being totally cleaned with new valve seals on. ( A series head from dad's mini languishing in the background)

PC260014 by 1275midget, on Flickr

'tis all rather black looking that. Mixture is OK on a Gunson but it's running an SU so some of it might be richness, but the black sticky stuff....

Anyway, it's all stripped and at Northern Rebore for a measure up and a rebore, crank is almost perfect still on original bearings, so it'll go back in with new std sized big ends & mains.

Cam looks pretty good as well.

cam by 1275midget, on Flickr

needs a new clutch plate as PO seems to have drilled out the drain plug in the bellhousing and welded over it...

PC300034 by 1275midget, on Flickr

All good fun :)
what I meant to add but forgot: is there anything else I should be doing while it's in this many bits? Gearbox input seal?
what I meant to add but forgot: is there anything else I should be doing while it's in this many bits? Gearbox input seal?

check gearbox input seal if its not leaking, replace it if necessary
and replace all seals and gasket on engine of course (especially rear crankshaft seal) :)

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