The second tester shouldn't be able to see anything about previous tests (unless he did them) as that would be against the Data Protection Act.
Rather defeats half the point of computerising things, but useful for us punters.

I wouldn't have thought so - would details of your vehicle constitute personal data - unless it shows your name, address, age, etc so DPA doesn't apply.
Im sure its down to size of sticker ill have to check obviously nothing allowed in the swept area.
Had a young erberts car for a test a while ago when he arrived for test he had a pair of 3inch dice hanging from his mirror, so i told him do your self a favour and remove them before i start the test, all i got was a mouthfull of abuse he got back in his car and fooked off, you just can't help some people.
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They can bring up the date and expiry date of the current MoT so if you are getting it MoTed in advance they still know when it runs to, but I've been assured that they cannot get details of fails given by other centres.
They can bring up the date and expiry date of the current MoT so if you are getting it MoTed in advance they still know when it runs to, but I've been assured that they cannot get details of fails given by other centres.


Bought a car last year before getting the disco and was told that all docs were lost because it had been bought at auction and the company selling it had gone under and only forwarded the v5 and keys but nor record of mots history etc.

All I had to do was go online with the v5 and reg number and could bring up all details of previous mots passes/refusals/advisories etc.
Yes, you can, but the garage can't. You should have needed the number off the V5 to prove you are the owner, or at least had his permission.The MoTer won't have this number unless you give it to him.
Yes, you can, but the garage can't. You should have needed the number off the V5 to prove you are the owner, or at least had his permission.The MoTer won't have this number unless you give it to him.

Neah you only need the reg and last mot number. Did it myself last night to find the exact sections in the manual that he had failed things under.

Anyhow - He gave me an advisory for a slight blowy exhaust. If I get some of that exhaust wrap tape stuff on it, will it be passable mot wise?
my disco failed nct(rep of ireland mot) because oil light wasn't working,they wouldn't do emissions test without it.pushed lead back on sensor but had to book back in for retest. 30 euro the poorer.
Father-in-law took a Meastro to a garage in Tipton bout 12 years ago, they told him it needed a new engine (diesel 2.0ltr norm asp) cuz it "wasnt breathing properly" and had failed the MOT cuz of it!!! I went with him to find out what the F*** they were talking about (wearing my MGR overalls), They got all sheepish when I started growling and generally being angry, They were obviously trying to rip him off cuz he was a bit on the old side, they issued the MOT cert with me standing there fuming - no charge. turns out they did repairs for the local taxi firm who ran montego diesels, looks like they needed an engine!!. lower than a snakes b*******
These MOT guys are funny everywhere!

I failed with my old Yamaha XT because the original Exhaust was too loud!:doh:
They can bring up the date and expiry date of the current MoT so if you are getting it MoTed in advance they still know when it runs to, but I've been assured that they cannot get details of fails given by other centres.

Even if they can't it's nothing to do with the data protection act. It may have to do with using fair and reasonable judgement and not failing it on something because some one else has.
the data protection act has no application here because the data does not refer to a named individual - its the car.

and, even if it did refer to a person it still doesn't apply because the data is being used for the purpose it was originally collected.

however, its stll down to the tester regardless so ts all irrelevant anyway
I've had 3 bulb failure incidents at 2 different garages all were ridiculous:

1. N/S headlight beam pattern incorrect; tester said probably the bulb and would fix it for £7 which was the price of the bulb, I declined the fix wasn't going to pay £7 for a bulb - actual fix was to clean dust off the existing bulb.

2. Number plate lights not working; the bulbs were lit and I complained, tester said you can't see them clearly, reson was bright sunlight shining on them - I replaced them with LED's so next visit the tester will get blinded looking at them.

3. Indicators not orange enough (my daughters Volvo and bulbs were brand new boxes were still in the boot); tester offered to replace them for £10 my daughter declined the offer saying she will take them back to the original supplier. On the retest tester said bulbs were still not orange enough. My daughter rang VOSA in front of the tester and complained, the tester replaced the bulbs without charge and gave her the certificate, bulbs were no more orange.

With regards complaining to VOSA after my daughters experience they confirmed her thoughts the garage was making up failures and charging without doing any work.
Trouble is I don't know the area that well so it's finding a good one that is the hard bit.

Stupid thing is that this guy was recommended by his sister as being reasonable! :rolleyes:

Everythings done on it now, can't wait to take it back for a retest and see his face. He didn't think I'd get any of it done and insisted I had him do the work.
Feel like leaving little post it notes all over it saying 'I did this myself :p' lol
Oh yeah I forgot one -

Another fail was because the front bumper fixings have gone at the sides. Ya know the ones, the usual screw and plate just in front of each wheel that stop the corner pieces from hanging an inch lower :roll:

Thats on 99% of them i see !!
Finding a good garage is great advice, better advice still is to find a good MOT station that DOESN'T do repairs so they have no axe to grind. The downsides are you are most likely to pay maximum fee for the test and the tester will be much stricter, not necessarily a bad thing.
First place I took it was an MOT only place. He refused to test it because a track rod end 'might have gone' and the brake pads are worn (they were half way through their life!)

There are no other MOT only places around here :mad:

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