Tente 2 seconds EASY 2 kaki QUECHUA - Tente Camping - Decathlon
That's my Roof tent. 2 seconds to put up and 20 seconds to put away. Bedding went inside the van, the theory was it would help stop stuff flying about. Leaving the bedding on top James sounds good but don't underestimate how the sand gets everywhere. I think you will probably find you will have to shake it out each night to get the dust out.
And yes, everything does get thrown about in the back. I want to install some sort of dog guard thing to stop everything flying forward when you go over big bumps. The constant pounding seems to shake everything loose especially when driving over the gullies. Its like driving over a corrugated roof. Adjusting tire pressures helps and driving at a speed where you time the gullies right also helps. However within the first half hour when we left the tarmac all the Bolognese type sauces and cartons of soup were broke or leaking or dripping off the windscreen.
Luckily we had extensive menus for the trip. Anything glass was broke including the hurricane lamps. We had five Metal Jerry cans full of diesel which didn't leak or leave the inside smelling of diesel. I had two 30 litre plastic water containers which had little taps on the bottom which I thought would make it easier to use, leaked all over the back of the van. The constant pounding just broke off the taps. I am pleased to report that the 120 bottles of 2 litre Evian water and the 120 bottles of beer and wine were intact. We didn't have any refrigeration so we relied on tin type meals which you can buy in France.
Which didn't taste too bad. It was all great fun and we are looking forward to the next trip. On the next trip we could probably cut down on the weight a bit. But hey, its a holiday and the 110 can take it all.
Next time, I will carry very little on the roof, way too much Cadillac roll for my tastes. Going to ruin the bonnet by fitting a spare on it and a rear swing away wheel carrier.

Not going to bother with a roof tent now, weight on the roof in that terrain sucks.
Next time, I will carry very little on the roof, way too much Cadillac roll for my tastes. Going to ruin the bonnet by fitting a spare on it and a rear swing away wheel carrier.

Not going to bother with a roof tent now, weight on the roof in that terrain sucks.

Yep, we kept all the weight inboard. I only used the roof rack to put my tent up on. Next time I will just carry light weight table and chairs on the roof rack. I had one of these 2 second tents which worked for me. fitted on the roof rack a treat and could be folded away and stored inboard in the morning.
I have one very similar slightly different make it runs great on gas and 240v. However as it does not have a compressor it is not as efficient as the a compressor fridge, on 12v it uses 10a and only holds its own. When running on gas it produces co2 so needs to be placed outside.
I have one very similar slightly different make it runs great on gas and 240v. However as it does not have a compressor it is not as efficient as the a compressor fridge, on 12v it uses 10a and only holds its own. When running on gas it produces co2 so needs to be placed outside.
The oher option I was looking at was to get one which runs a compressor on 240 volts and use an inverter from 12 volts. The compressor ones which run on 240v seem to be half the price of the 12 volt ones. I can't understand why the 12 v ones are so expensive. Seems a lot of money just to keep my beer cool for a couple of weeks.
The oher option I was looking at was to get one which runs a compressor on 240 volts and use an inverter from 12 volts. The compressor ones which run on 240v seem to be half the price of the 12 volt ones. I can't understand why the 12 v ones are so expensive. Seems a lot of money just to keep my beer cool for a couple of weeks.

I think James did that on the 2015 trip to Morocco. As far as I know it worked well, but froze stuff!

Got my door card and shelf done, I bought some clever folding brackets but they didn't quite fit! I was also planning on using self tapping screws to fit the door card, but they kept sheering off, so I had to use rivets...



I think James did that on the 2015 trip to Morocco. As far as I know it worked well, but froze stuff!

Got my door card and shelf done, I bought some clever folding brackets but they didn't quite fit! I was also planning on using self tapping screws to fit the door card, but they kept sheering off, so I had to use rivets...




Looks great, funny enough I was looking at the same thing at our local hardware store. Unfortunately mine has a rear wiper motor on the back door which will require some fiddling around with. I am thinking of using 1/4 ply to replace the door trim and just place a sheet of stainless over part of it as I have to play around with the wiper motor housing. I think it would be easier to cut the ply. I was also going to use longer hinges under the stainless to give it a bit more support. You have inspired me to get it done now.
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Looks great, funny enough I was looking at the same thing at our local hardware store. Unfortunately mine has a rear wiper motor on the back door which will require some fiddling around with. I am thinking of using 1/4 ply to replace the door trim and just place a sheet of stainless over part of it as I have to play around with the wiper motor housing. I think it would be easier to cut the ply. I was also going to use longer hinges under the stainless to give it a bit more support. You have inspired me to get it done now.

Ta :)

It took me long enough! Its all aluminium as I have a friend who can get it me cheap. Wasn't fun cutting it with an angle grinder though, got through 2 disks...

Mine used to have a wiper motor, but it didn't work and I didn't have budget for a new one. I'm glad now!

I'll probably need to adjust the metal cable holding the shelf once I get it onto the flat, but I'm pretty pleased with it so far.
If you can try to make the cables adjustable for the table, as often as not you wont be parked anywhere level.
Ta :)

It took me long enough! Its all aluminium as I have a friend who can get it me cheap. Wasn't fun cutting it with an angle grinder though, got through 2 disks...

Mine used to have a wiper motor, but it didn't work and I didn't have budget for a new one. I'm glad now!

I'll probably need to adjust the metal cable holding the shelf once I get it onto the flat, but I'm pretty pleased with it so far.

I was going to use a chain to hold it. I thought I might be able to work it so it could be adjusted when not on the flat by hooking one or two of the links onto a hook.
I was going to use a chain to hold it. I thought I might be able to work it so it could be adjusted when not on the flat by hooking one or two of the links onto a hook.

I looked at chain, but decided to use the metal cable as it wouldn't rattle as much. I might extend the metal cable, and then make some spacers that I can slot over the cable under the platform to adjust it.
Looks great, funny enough I was looking at the same thing at our local hardware store. Unfortunately mine has a rear wiper motor on the back door which will require some fiddling around with. I am thinking of using 1/4 ply to replace the door trim and just place a sheet of stainless over part of it as I have to play around with the wiper motor housing. I think it would be easier to cut the ply. I was also going to use longer hinges under the stainless to give it a bit more support. You have inspired me to get it done now.

Came to the conclusion today that if you have a ragging tooth ache its not the time to tackle something like this. Right dogs dinner I made of it. Looks OK from a distance. Think I will have another go at it perhaps next week if this tooth has been sorted.
I think James did that on the 2015 trip to Morocco. As far as I know it worked well, but froze stuff!

Got my door card and shelf done, I bought some clever folding brackets but they didn't quite fit! I was also planning on using self tapping screws to fit the door card, but they kept sheering off, so I had to use rivets...




I came to the conclusion today that if you have a ragging tooth ache, its not the time to tackle something like this. Made a right dogs dinner of. Think I will have another go next week when hopefully this tooth has been sorted. And as yours looks so nice it even ****es me off more.

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