That's true, you do exist. And apparently Sam makes cakes which is always a good selling point :D

You get my vote.

So you have bid on a 110?! TBH I was thinking how I would like a D2 for the trip!!

If you get a fridge, make sure it has a compressor, the heat exchangers are no good when its 40 deg.

Thanks! :D I'm more excited than a kid at Christmas. Reading the previous and 15 threads now...

Oh, I bid, but it ended before auction finish today, so no dice. :mad: the D2 will be coming whatever I have! It's comfy and.... A Land Rover?!? :eek:

I'll make a list/steal yours and have a look at what I need! :rolleyes: Can't wait.

I'm sure you forget I am on here sometimes.... We have run out of parking, no more cars!

It's a Landy... Can park it anywhere!! :cool: A D2 is comfy and has air con... And totally practical and reliable... :rolleyes:

Dont forget your dash cams Mike took his last time and some of the footage is really good, have a look at this one about 5 mins in and see how we almost got stuck.

I want a dash cam anyway. Need to look into those!

+1, welcome aboard.

Why thanks! Looking forward to it. :)

Haha, thanks for backing me up :D

We live on a close, so there isn't much parking and the drive made for 2 cars already holds 3!

We will do it in the 90, I have spent too much to change it, but I might swap the rear diff for an Ashcroft ATB before we go.

Just buy a D2, forgiveness is easier than permission....
It's a Landy... Can park it anywhere!! :cool: A D2 is comfy and has air con... And totally practical and reliable... :rolleyes:

Just buy a D2, forgiveness is easier than permission....

whoa hang on there, you'll be getting a black mark against your name if your not careful! :p

Though air con does sound nice....
whoa hang on there, you'll be getting a black mark against your name if your not careful! :p

Though air con does sound nice....

:eek: Sorrrrrryyyyyy..... I'll play nice Miss. Honest.

James... Don't buy a D2! :p Like don't totally buy a specced G4... :rolleyes:
I've chatted to SWMBO, and she loves Morocco, and said we can definitely come. I've always wanted to do overland things, and it looks amazing. Gives me time to get the disco ready!

Would it be alright if I signed up?

Welcome aboard more the merrier.
Air con in the desert, not really worth it tbh, would be running over time to try keep cool all the opening of doors when you keep digging yourself out of the sand ;)

Air con in the desert, not really worth it tbh, would be running over time to try keep cool all the opening of doors when you keep digging yourself out of the sand ;)


Air con is definately needed in the desert ive done 40 degree heat .. its much more comfortable than sweating your tits off and burning your ass on the seat.

Ok, so we have some dates for the proposed 2016 easter trip.

25th March (Friday) meeting point at campsite in Tafira for the RVP and cross into Morocco on the morning of the 26th (Saturday) from Algeciras into Tanger-Med

We will be returning into Spain on the morning of 7th (Thursday) then back into England Sunday 10th.

If you want to stop longer, no probs.

Hope these dates are good for all would be nice to all make it. It's a great little campsite right on the side of the coast. I'll try post a link to the campsite later.

Can't wait to go, get away from this snow!!!!!

I've got half leather.... So half sticky. I know it will die in the desert, but if was trying to convince Sarah it was a good idea. :p

Now to spend a year fixing it!

Sounds epic! Like the sound of it. :)
90 dosent have aircon but its got alot of drafts around the doors ;)

Aircon is for sissy's. Much better to have the windows open with the wind and sand blowing in your face. You have a much better sun tan until you wash your face and all the sand comes off. Anyway, you spent a lot of the time underneath yours in the shade.

Ok, so we have some dates for the proposed 2016 easter trip.

25th March (Friday) meeting point at campsite in Tafira for the RVP and cross into Morocco on the morning of the 26th (Saturday) from Algeciras into Tanger-Med

We will be returning into Spain on the morning of 7th (Thursday) then back into England Sunday 10th.

If you want to stop longer, no probs.

Hope these dates are good for all would be nice to all make it. It's a great little campsite right on the side of the coast. I'll try post a link to the campsite later.

Can't wait to go, get away from this snow!!!!!


Dates will work for me and Chantal.
I presume we will be meeting up at the same campsite as last time.

Camping Valdevaqueros Tarifa Page 46.

Think I read somewhere a posting from Ken who said there was another crossing which was less busy at the port in Morocco. No doubt he will chip in on here.
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