Sounds good to me, especially now Sarah is coming, so I wont get into trouble for using all of my time off up.

I done know anything about morocco, so I'm just going along with what everyone agrees r.e. the route.

Don't worry. That is exactly how we were on the last trip. I just went with the flow. I took a map along to look the part. At this stage its a case of making sure your vehicle is all together. Nearer the time we will start sorting out who is taking what etc. Then sorting out forms and tickets to cross to Morocco.
Don't worry. That is exactly how we were on the last trip. I just went with the flow. I took a map along to look the part. At this stage its a case of making sure your vehicle is all together. Nearer the time we will start sorting out who is taking what etc. Then sorting out forms and tickets to cross to Morocco.

Making sure your vehicle is together...that is literal for me isn't it?!

This should be interesting when using the CB's. We will have to make sure you have different call signs.

Can I be soaring eagle? :D
Just throwing some dates down. How does meeting up at a Camp site in Algacerias on Sunday 29th March 2015. Ferry to Morocco Monday morning 30th March.
Friday 3rd April is good Friday.
Then crossing back to Spain on Friday 17th April which then gives everyone the weekend to travel back and get unloaded ready for work on Monday 20th April.
How would that work for everyone? That is providing Ebola or IS have not taken a grip in Morocco.
Just throwing some dates down. How does meeting up at a Camp site in Algacerias on Sunday 29th March 2015. Ferry to Morocco Monday morning 30th March.
Friday 3rd April is good Friday.
Then crossing back to Spain on Friday 17th April which then gives everyone the weekend to travel back and get unloaded ready for work on Monday 20th April.
How would that work for everyone? That is providing Ebola or IS have not taken a grip in Morocco.

I think that works for me, but I will have to double check with work.

Sarah might have to fly down as she probably can't have as long off work. Assuming I know nothing about morocco, would we go near any airports?!
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I think that works for me, but I will have to double check wirh work.

Sarah might have to fly down as she probably can't have as long off work. Assuming I know nothing about morocco, would we go near any airports?!
How long would Sarah be able to have off? Remember there are two Bank Holidays within those dates. There are a couple of possibility. She could either fly out to join us, or leave early and fly back. These are just suggested dates.
Sarah could fly into Gibraltar on the way down and on the way back from Agadir - will save about 6 days - reluctant to put too many dates down on an open forum - you never know who is looking.
I can dodge work on Friday 27th so I could leave the UK then, but I would have to be back to verk on the 13th, I have a mechanic friend who is coming along with me now, but he can't leave his business alone for more than a couple of weeks either. Dunno how that works?

CB handle, errr, Mr Nasty, or just Nasty.
3 weeks is technically the max I can book off, well contractually anyway. I don't get bank holidays automatically so they would count as holiday for me.
The problem I face is I have a pretty new boss, and my team has dramatically shrunk down to me and one other person over the past few months. I can't see me getting 3 weeks approved at the moment, so unless it's a massive pain I may have to fly out to meet you.
The biggest residential project in Europe starts in March next year and I have to be on site quite a lot, so I will be with you guys until around Tata, and then start heading north, the rough date of meeting up in Spain would be sat 28th or Sun 29th March.? If so that's great as I will skive off the preceding Friday for "paper work reasons" and get a ferry to Spain.
Boom! Holiday form approved!!!!
From the Monday though not the Friday.
I have explained dates may change to the guys at work but in principle we are good to go.

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