teddy tudoroiu

New Member
My family and i have started preparing for an expedition in Morocco as well. Seeing that this is our first one, i was wondering what are the things that i should look out for? Items that are very important? Car parts i shouldn't be caught dead without? Any other things that might help...

Hi Ted,

Plenty of info out there regarding maroc. Its one of the best documented destinations for overland... You can find more info than for the alps! What you have asked is pretty vauge. do some research and feel free to ask away on specific subjects. Take a look at Siroccoverland.350.com on the links page i have tried to get together a collection of where i got my info etc. its a good place to start. also check my vehicle page, i have a small list of mods etc.

let me know what you think.

morning Ad, Yes i did. Its in the wallet now will go to the bank sometime this week. Thanks very much, sorry for the hassle. hope you shift it and get more $$$ for it!

no worries big ad.

i managed to write the post before i noticed all others, because i was in a hurry. yes i did read all other posts and there are alot of interesting bits and bobs that will help. i am pretty set, just got the sand ladders, spare drive and prop shafts and IPF's this week and all set to go in a wee bit. cheers
we are setting of in march in 2009 to head down to morocco then up through turkey and the stains to russia and mongolia.
we are setting of in march in 2009 to head down to morocco then up through turkey and the stains to russia and mongolia.
You will take my envy... and the very best wishes of luck from all of us... especially my 9 year old son who is obsessed with the idea of doing something similar!
Yeah, jealous as hell too. One day I will get my arse into gear and get down to N Africa, so I can play in the sand! :D
Have a great trip mate! :)
thanks guys. the departure is only one week away now, and all is ready more or less. Medicine cabinet, trip planner, sand ladders, water tanks, new CB radio, excellent one too, and loads and loads of other things. I was planning to take pictures and write about it to publish in one of the LR magazines but they didn't seem to interested. On the other hand National Geographic Traveller showed interest in my article and pictures so perhaps a full coverage of the event will be in there. Can't wait to test out the new camera and lenses as well, as they'll be used quite heavy duty, like the car and patience.

regards, and promise will get back with impressions, images and most likel a few "how to replace ... at night in the desert" observations

Too many people go to Morocco for them to be interested.

Word of caution, hide your CB on entering Morocco as border control may get twitchy. I also suggest putting your GPS/Sat nav etc in the cubby box while you go through to.

did you get around to reading my report on my website?

Hey Griff... the equipment link on your site doesn't work. Not completed that yet?
haha! no not yet, need to take some pics. was just going to be a page on what kit we took. but then i guess its more personel preference so i may not even bother. like the gas vs. petrol stoves, ground vs. roof tent etc. etc. there are so many options, maybe its not worth writing about it... or maybe it will help people think and decide more i dont know. I guess i just have to remind myself that the site is to help people plan trips. mostly from the links page really. I just wanted all the info in 1 place as i had to trawl for hours on the net to find stuff out. Its also becoming a place to share photos now too.

Yes well... my trip to morocco was unfortunately delayed. The injection washers on my 110 failed to deliver and my truck stopped 500 miles after the trip started. Thus i was unceremoniously taken back to Bucharest on the platform. Here's a full account of what happened, on my blog: These days...: About how we never left for Africa The adventure was postponed until Easter or even summer after the Transilvania Trophy.
Good luck and post back the pics when you get back. I fancy dipping into Morocco at some point, maybe next year.
I'm looking to do a morocco 3 week expedition at the end of this year, what route are you planning to do?

we were thinking of doing a counter clockwise trip of the country. the idea is that if it rains or the conditions are difficult, we can cut part of the mountains because it will be quite hard to pass over in these conditions. We are kind of pondering whether to go in the summer but at this point in time nothing is really certain. We shall see how and what closer to June. Planning is pretty much 3-4 weeks in advance tops. At least that was last time...

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