They didn't actually copy the jeep, which is why a landy don't look same as a Willys. What they did do was measure a jeep chassis all over before, err............designing theirs! ;)

The design for the original Land Rover vehicle was started in 1947 by Maurice Wilks, chief designer at the Rover Company, on his farm in Newborough, Anglesey.[12] It is said that he was inspired by an American World War II Jeep that he used one summer at his holiday home in Wales.[13][14] The first Land Rover prototype, later nicknamed 'Centre Steer', was built on a Jeep chassis and axles;)
The design for the original Land Rover vehicle was started in 1947 by Maurice Wilks, chief designer at the Rover Company, on his farm in Newborough, Anglesey.[12] It is said that he was inspired by an American World War II Jeep that he used one summer at his holiday home in Wales.[13][14] The first Land Rover prototype, later nicknamed 'Centre Steer', was built on a Jeep chassis and axles;)

Yes, I have been well aware of that for thirty years, and I have met some of the people involved, though sadly not the Wilks brothers themselves.

They were not inspired by the Jeep, MW said to his brother " if we cant build a better vehicle than that, we shouldn't be in the motor trade"

What they particularly disliked was the parts availability, to be fair, not the vehicle itself. to get spark plugs they had to buy a crate of 144 plugs from US war dept. :D

But the chassis used on the production models were homegrown, although based on a Jeep chassis.
I thought that was pretty good by lz standards! :confused:

Only one request to get em out, and that was edited out quicksmart! ;) :D
Oi I edited nothing, I simply hid it with intent, badly it seems as turbograss gave the game away 😣 so quickly.

I feel ashamed to do it but it's become so pc round here now a little faux misogyny always lightens the mood [emoji5] [emoji1]
Oi I edited nothing, I simply hid it with intent, badly it seems as turbograss gave the game away 😣 so quickly.

I feel ashamed to do it but it's become so pc round here now a little faux misogyny always lightens the mood [emoji5] [emoji1]

Blaming it on PC when in reality you're terrified of invoking the fury of our pack of marauding wimminis sounds more likely :p
Possibly but some eejits [12] just can't help themselves [13].....

Do you mean paste or patè?
Paste. When I was a younger version of myself, I was much smaller but as slow as I am today, I would eat the paste at school. Why make paste taste like spearmint if it's not meant to be eaten, right?
Blaming it on PC when in reality you're terrified of invoking the fury of our pack of marauding wimminis sounds more likely [emoji14]
Im relatively safe, I'm on the continent and we know they aren't allowed more than a few feet away from the kitchen sink.

You do know why women don't ski, don't you?
Paste. When I was a younger version of myself, I was much smaller but as slow as I am today, I would eat the paste at school. Why make paste taste like spearmint if it's not meant to be eaten, right?

And why call cattle feed 'cow cake'?

That's just asking for trouble and besides its far too gritty to be cake
Hello Mog & Daisy! Welcome to lz. Ignore this bunch of lunatics, especially Thor :D

Your defender looks lovely :)

I'm coming to the lakes with my landy and dog in September for a week - it looks amazing!! :)
Hello Mog & Daisy! Welcome to lz. Ignore this bunch of lunatics, especially Thor :D

Your defender looks lovely :)

I'm coming to the lakes with my landy and dog in September for a week - it looks amazing!! :)

Have you never been? Make sure you make it the West Lakes :) (The real Lakes!) :D
Hello and welcome!
Gibsons in Kendal is the place to go. Bit of a trek from Wasdale but they know their stuff!
Hello and welcome!
Gibsons in Kendal is the place to go. Bit of a trek from Wasdale but they know their stuff!

Thanks! I contacted Fultons in Workington, they couldn't even weld me any panels on bottom of the doors, also prices seemed a tad steep

£250 for new timing belt and fitting
£450 for new clutch and fitting
£350-400 for all round oils and filters (that price better be including the diff etc :D)

Maybe those prices aren't that bad at all?

I'll give Gibsons a call tomorrow :)
Thanks! I contacted Fultons in Workington, they couldn't even weld me any panels on bottom of the doors, also prices seemed a tad steep

£250 for new timing belt and fitting
£450 for new clutch and fitting
£350-400 for all round oils and filters (that price better be including the diff etc :D)

Maybe those prices aren't that bad at all?

I'll give Gibsons a call tomorrow :)

Probably about right for the belt and clutch, depending on quality of work.

Sounds loads too much for the oils and filters on a Tdi! :)

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