Another point I meant to make - that askmid website - do any of you read the data protection declaration? You're only *supposed* to check on a vehicle you own. Ok I'm sure everyone does check on vehicles they don't own from time to time (whistles and looks guilty...) but suggesting that it's part of the process before initiating a rescue *may* not be a clever idea. Just sayin' like.
I imagine there is a range of experience across the forum.

There will be people with a huge amount of experience - either in 4x4 response, pay and play day recovery, or working with the emergency services.

There will be people who have no formal experience but are competent off road drivers

And there wil be people with limited experience but a willingness to help

What's important is that people understand their level of competence and dont try to exceed it. There is no point someone who only normally uses their D4 to run the kids to school attempting a rescue on a mountain byway, whereas someone who is used to driving such byways and has recovery experience may be able to effect a recovery. On the other hand, the person with the D4 and limited experience may be able to go and rescue the passengers from a stranded car and get them to safety whilst the driver awaits the breakdown services.
Another point I meant to make - that askmid website - do any of you read the data protection declaration? You're only *supposed* to check on a vehicle you own. Ok I'm sure everyone does check on vehicles they don't own from time to time (whistles and looks guilty...) but suggesting that it's part of the process before initiating a rescue *may* not be a clever idea. Just sayin' like.

Then do not do it..........I say while whistling and walking away to check an insurance status...LOL.

Perhaps best then that individual users decide whether they wish to use askMID

There is no such data protection warning on the DVLA's website to check if vehicles are MOTd and Taxed and to check that they are what they should be.

I think the key is to ensure that responders are given the reg number of the vehicle they are going to and at least then they can choose to do their own checks.
As we are talking about insurance,

Apart from it being a possible red flag to a potential chancer wanting a free rescue from a precarious situation, there is also the risk for causing youself further issues if when towing the uninsured vehicle you are stopped by the old bill. AFAIK a towed car must be fully road legal.

As we are talking about insurance,

Apart from it being a possible red flag to a potential chancer wanting a free rescue from a precarious situation, there is also the risk for causing youself further issues if when towing the uninsured vehicle you are stopped by the old bill. AFAIK a towed car must be fully road legal.


Unless trailered ...
That' not the case
how? As we dont not insist anyone goes out, or performs any recovery they dont wish too? All we do is tell people that are as close as we can get to a problem about the LZ thread and supply whatever info we can. From that point it is their decision what to do, if anything.
how? As we dont not insist anyone goes out, or performs any recovery they dont wish too? All we do is tell people that are as close as we can get to a problem about the LZ thread and supply whatever info we can. From that point it is their decision what to do, if anything.
Simply, people were at risk and came to harm. You don't seem to appreciate that.
Simply, people were at risk and came to harm. You don't seem to appreciate that.
i appreciate all you say.
The harm was due to an unfit person trying to attempt a rescue he was not suited for. If people put themselves at risk, then that was their decision. No-one on here asked them to do so. You dont seem to appreciate that. We cannot be responsible for people making unwise decisions.
Mountain rescue are amateurs. And one on his own is like one fireman at a fire.
By one definition yes they are unpaid therefore they are amateurs.

But they train regularly, they develop and display skills according to a set syllabus and certainly my lot were regularly required to demonstrate certain parts of their skill set. So by that definition they conformed to a professional standard
We cannot be responsible for people making unwise decisions.

True, But howabout a sort of traffic light system for LZIR. I understand it would not be completley foolproof or lie proof, But it would give a level of understanding in what may be needed on a particular rescue.

Terrain: roadside ( green) / greenlane requiring 4wd (Amber) / Serious off road ready vehicle (red)
Kit required :Smiling face and a warm car to sit in ( green) / Spanners and tow kit ( Amber ) / Winch straps etc ( Red)
Weather the rescuer should be able to look that up while NOT checking on insurance, TAX and MOT.


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