All LZIR is doing is putting LZIR members with other likeminded 4 x 4 owners from LZIR, whereby there is an unwritten code. I have noticed a time or two, folk who have only just joined etc asking for immediate help?
I don't believe coal lorries have ever used that track, especially at this time of year.

I do suspect OP was a lying toad.
They looked like this though
@The Mad Hat Man I’m not criticising in any way - I’ve done and still do a similar job as you do, so I know just how hard it is.
I’d offer to help the coordination if that would be any use? Again, I know what a thankless task it can be!!
I would like to think that if there are any dubious circumstances that either the Persone receiving the original request of the persone setting out on the "rescue" double checks the situation on the vehicle using these two sites.

From what we have seen on the "stuck" thread, it may well have changed the way it was looked upon.

@The Mad Hat Man I’m not criticising in any way - I’ve done and still do a similar job as you do, so I know just how hard it is.
I’d offer to help the coordination if that would be any use? Again, I know what a thankless task it can be!!
All constructive points of view are helpful. I am happy to do what the members want. Historically I am aware that each situation is different and that each needs to be assessed at the time.
It doesn’t help if the OP is lying, if that is the case. We can only go on info given.
Do we ask all LZIR volunteers to sign a lz disclaimer prior to being accepted and prove they have recovery experience and insurance prior to adding them?
Sorry I'm late to the party, I'm sat waiting for the AA with a blown head gasket with no reception and just worked out how to Pikey WiFi.

While it's true LZIR is a just a means of putting people in touch with each other and is not responsible for what happens we do have guidelines that clearly didn't prevent a bad situation getting worse and need reassessing.

The main thing that would have made the difference last night is a strong recommendation to assess the situation on foot before approaching with a vehicle.

I spoke to the OP and tried to get an assessment of the conditions and having later seen the photo it wasn't very accurate or even honest but how much of that is down to deception or inexperience I have no idea.

I passed the assessment on to those willing to consider responding along with the assurance I had been given that permission for recovery vehicles to enter had been given.

What we do about people who haven't got insurance I don't know, it's never occurred to me to even ask before let alone have a procedure for finding out if they are telling the truth.

How far are you from home ?
All constructive points of view are helpful. I am happy to do what the members want. Historically I am aware that each situation is different and that each needs to be assessed at the time.
It doesn’t help if the OP is lying, if that is the case. We can only go on info given.
Do we ask all LZIR volunteers to sign a lz disclaimer prior to being accepted and prove they have recovery experience and insurance prior to adding them?
Ask the requestee if they are insured / accept they can’t then claim against a volunteer maybe? A simple standard formatted text / email would suffice.
And another fing:
If someone does go out to help someone I think they need to "call in" to say they is on site, confirm they feel safe with the person they've met (dial a LR and nick and confirm the eggsact location via grid ref or similar before things go further. Just in case there's a problem and we need to get help to them or hand the situation over to 999
Whilst I agree wholeheartedly with your suggestion, I think people should be very aware that mobile phone reception is, at the very best, patchy, so communication is very hard to achieve. I live in one of these areas in Wales so do not even have a mobile 'ornament'! If I break down I have to leave my vehicle and walk to the nearest house and ask to use their landline. This is a problem not very often appreciated by the masses.
Whilst I agree wholeheartedly with your suggestion, I think people should be very aware that mobile phone reception is, at the very best, patchy, so communication is very hard to achieve. I live in one of these areas in Wales so do not even have a mobile 'ornament'! If I break down I have to leave my vehicle and walk to the nearest house and ask to use their landline. This is a problem not very often appreciated by the masses.
A text or Wattsapp requires considerably less signal than a voice call...
Whilst I agree wholeheartedly with your suggestion, I think people should be very aware that mobile phone reception is, at the very best, patchy, so communication is very hard to achieve. I live in one of these areas in Wales so do not even have a mobile 'ornament'! If I break down I have to leave my vehicle and walk to the nearest house and ask to use their landline. This is a problem not very often appreciated by the masses.

I have a mobile, but I don't have a smartphone, so posting on the forum while out and about isn't a possibility.

Not that I would ask LZIR for help anyway. I would just sort it out myself, like I always do. My vehicles are always carefully maintained anyway, and I am experienced enough to see situations, and avoid them. So touch wood, I rarely get issues.
I have a mobile, but I don't have a smartphone, so posting on the forum while out and about isn't a possibility.

Not that I would ask LZIR for help anyway. I would just sort it out myself, like I always do. My vehicles are always carefully maintained anyway, and I am experienced enough to see situations, and avoid them. So touch wood, I rarely get issues.
I did that once when I got stuck. Everyone on here laughed cos I got recovered by a slitty:(

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