
Active Member
Hi all, I'm looking to buy a used Landie as a keeper for the years to come and was wondering what model to go for based on the following criteria which are important to me: Must be reliable with decent build quality Age largely immaterial; anything from a 1960s 2a onwards Petrol/Diesel immaterial Must be readily serviceable by me as a home mechanic (so no exotic/expensive fault-prone systems, please) Must have good spare parts availability and likelihood of same for several years to come. Price up to 10k pounds, but preferably half that or less. Slight preference for LWB format, but not vital. Suitable for medium duty off-road use at times, but nothing too extreme. Any advice welcomed! Thanks.
Series land rovers will do your back in, so not too good if you value your health (I speak from experience). Range Rovers are lovely to drive and wont cripple your back, they'll just cripple your bank balance. Best compromise I've found is a Disco, you'll get the comfort and reasonable off road performance. Fairly easy to work on, parts easy to get. If you go for a Disco 2 consider changing air bags for coil springs (one less thing to go wrong). Loads of info on here for D1/D2's. I would be concerned for your criteria of reliability, a LR needs preventitive care (ie regular servicing), dont wait til something goes wrong. Good luck with your search ;)
Ideally you should be looking for a defender! A 200 tdi, do you have mechanical experience etc and a good set of tools !!! If you have never owned a Landrover before I highly recommend that you have a drive in as many different models as you can !! Any Landrover that is in good order would be ok , some are great and some are just plain dangerous!!
If all else fails pay a mechanic to check out any vehicle you like the look of , get a test drive !!! These things have been around for ages and most have at some time been modified or altered in some way!!! Welding will usually be needed on most landrovers as they rot so bad , the chassis are very prone to rot due to the design !! If it's a discovery then the body also rots away to nothing around sills floors inner wings etc (steel construction)
My advice mate get someone who knows( not just a friend who once owned a Landy ) someone who KNOWS these vehicles inside out!!!!!!!! If you just go out and buy any old Landy you will definitely have what I would call a bad experience!! A poor example will put you off for life !!!! And never buy a free lander of any type they're very poor things !!
IMO. If you want simple don't go for anything after 200/300 tdi engined vehicles. Far too many electrical gremlins after this. Condition is far more important than age. Most, if not all will leak. :eek:
OK guys,thanks for the info so far. So Freelanders are out altogether, then. Helps to narrow things down a fair bit. More than anything I'd like maintainability. I'm fairly handy with a spanner but want to avoid any model with 'black box' systems you can't service yourself - unless of course they've proven highly reliable. I accept I'm going to have to spend money to keep the thing on the road, but want to avoid throwing good money after bad in order to do so - which is the distinct feeling I have at present with my Freelander 1!
I've got a '94 300tdi disco, which, after the initial expense of geting the boot floor replaced, I have done most of the maintenance myself (except the really heavy bits, I is a girl after all) and I absolutely love the old girl, and I've also learnt a lot. Its great off-road, just been out on the ladies laning wkend, comfy enough on road, if anything, I prefer it too the P38's we've got.
A quick one about the Range Rover P38, lots if electrical bits, but like all the LR range some are good and will never give you problems and some are bad

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