50 constructive posts.

also, you may find yourself banned or getting flack and hence not selling anything for taking the mick ;)

why would anyone want to buy from a winker who abuses the forum?
I can see your point. But it's a shame when I'd rather offer the vehicle to land rover enthusiasts first. Or I can go around and post 50 comments then advertise it?

50 meaningful posts not just random sheeeeite what you are doing

PS if you do advertise on here I have a small wager with you no one will buy your junk
50 meaningful posts not just random sheeeeite what you are doing

PS if you do advertise on here I have a small wager with you no one will buy your junk

Look I'm only trying to offer it to someone on here first. I'm not fused.
I use to sign in on this forum all the time when I had an old disco for green laning. I've not been on in a while but I'm no scammer.
Look I'm only trying to offer it to someone on here first. I'm not fused.
I use to sign in on this forum all the time when I had an old disco for green laning. I've not been on in a while but I'm no scammer.

If you've signed in a lot then you'll know what we're like :p

There's hundreds of ongoing discussions, it's not hard to make a valid contribution.

If I feel the need to reduce you're post count again I might just take the easy option and hit the big red button....its quicker and I'm a lazy sod :D
hiya i have a defender 90 for sale and thought this would be a good place to list it but obv due to the rule it wont let me, is there an admin that would look at my advert and decide if i can post it or not? also you guys might be good for telling me what its worth?
hiya i have a defender 90 for sale and thought this would be a good place to list it but obv due to the rule it wont let me, is there an admin that would look at my advert and decide if i can post it or not? also you guys might be good for telling me what its worth?

Yes there is and no you can't.

Half a packet off cheesy wotsits and a slightly curled jam sandwich, raspberry....


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