Oh just me little landrover, !

I gave the hippo to me dad (bless him) Its still goin strong tho,an i aint seen it so clean;) :p

Now stop postin tat on yer blog thingy an get yersell out laning again !

This is me "little" landy!;) :D
YouTube - Green Lanein' in Wales

Oh Mondo that does look fun. To be honest a few of us are toying with the idea of a shared ownership 4x4. With the house purchase looming it's not top of my list for spending though. Shame!
Here's my last 4x4 trip up at Langdale Quest. Very good fun indeed. That's me at 5 mins into it, again at 6:14 and once more at 6:23 on the right.
YouTube - Langdale Quest
thas a funny looking freelander.
Not sure that wud be HB's (the TOSSERS oh facial video artiste) choice of soundtrack either :eek:
It was a Freelander dressed up to look like a Nissan Patrol......I think!
Nout wrong with that sound track in my opinion.
It was a great day. You can either take your own 4x4 or rent one of theirs. We rented which gave us a feeling of no fear. Hope to get up their again soon.
That wer a wicked choon! I liked it! Nice vid by the way. I liked the bit where the skanky kleenex was swiftly removed from the camera shot...!
That was only used to clear the windscreen of condensation, we weren't that excited :p

Oooooo! I'm a nice gurl me! I never thort fer a second yu had used it fer anythin else!! 'Anything else' is wot curtains are for, an I didn't see any curtains in yer motor.. Thass wot Grunt uses when theres a Kleenex shortage..
just like to say a big thank you to Willo fer volinteerin to be leader orft the black arm rest gang. . . .clap clap clap!!!!!so Willo ole chap,now youve taken over any new rules you gonna intriduce?. . . . .:D :D :D
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that crocodiles about agin . . . . .
Quick sniffter er red eye barsteward. . . .glug glug glug ahhh . . .nuffer , , ,porky is cookin a slitty t nite for me un mrs ming , had to get out as there wer smoke all over the rockit ,muffins hiding int spinney , mrs ming is buyin er new frock ,so she looks even more bootifull fer me. . . .nuffer glug glug glug . . .better git back to the inferno :mad: :mad: :mad:
Quick sniffter er red eye barsteward. . . .glug glug glug ahhh . . .nuffer , , ,porky is cookin a slitty t nite for me un mrs ming , had to get out as there wer smoke all over the rockit ,muffins hiding int spinney , mrs ming is buyin er new frock ,so she looks even more bootifull fer me. . . .nuffer glug glug glug . . .better git back to the inferno :mad: :mad: :mad:
a noo frock int gonna help, the only thing that makes mrs ming boootiful is copius amounts of brasso and cheap larger washed down with tequila
See, I've never looked at this thread before becuse I assumed it would be bollocks. Yet the first post I read is about brasso and tequilla ... which just hapend to be my favourite drink.

