pint er virgin gaylander oil barsteward. . . .un er big bone fer porky, un bucket er fresh carrots fer old muffin. . . . .an make it snappy
An when yer've served the smelly git I'll have a pint of sludge and a couple of hedgehog pancakes.
how about a games night?

we could have " slap ming", kick ming, tie ming up and throw him in the corner, drag ming round the carpark, serve ming porky curry fer tea, and ping ming's nuts wiff his braces
coo. . . .eeey . . . . . .barsteward , pint er tratter sudge pleeze, nice un quite int pub t night, time ta read daily zog. . . .tum te doo de dum:D :D :D
red eye barsteward . . . .all nice un quite in hear, bloody row upstairs though . . . .sum sort er poll me finks. . . .
pint er gaylander smooth ,pleeze,non er thet tratter rough ****e fer me. . . .un er cigar pleeze barsteward:D wot do yer mean no smokin in ear ,i'm gonna eat it. . . .:p
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. . . .hot mince pie wiff pint er tratter sludge. . . .buy one git one free. . . .er can all tratters park int spinney . . . .thank you
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. . . .hot mince pie wiff pint er tratter sludge. . . .buy one git one free. . . .er can all tratters park int spinney . . . .thank you

Hi ming,

Ok, I'm in for a treat. Let come that special English Christmas food.:)
Hi ming,

Ok, I'm in for a treat. Let come that special English Christmas food.:)
Yup Willo. . . .nice to have a customer at last ,here yer hot mince pie [Mrs Ming baked them herself] un er pint of tratter sludge,sorry its warm beer that we drink in this land. . . .Merry Christmas Willo:) :) :)
Yup Willo. . . .nice to have a customer at last ,here yer hot mince pie [Mrs Ming baked them herself] un er pint of tratter sludge,sorry its warm beer that we drink in this land. . . .Merry Christmas Willo:) :) :)

Thank you Ming, that tasted good.

In Return also my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and an happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to you, the Mrs. and all the forum members too.

Take care.
Reet who's gonna buy me er drink yer tight gaylander freeks. . . .un make it snappy. . . .got er reet thirst on :mad: :mad: :mad: