kinnell. a fred lies dormant for over a munf, then with no warning:
it springs back to life. To tell you the troof, making my nerves a little shaky not knowing whats gonna happen next.

best give me a stiff one ming
yu got it rong Wigley - its Minge lies dormant for over a munf, then with no warning:
he springs back to life.
ER. . . .Could all tratter drivers please not use the whine bar car park [use the muddy spinney round the back]. . . .this is nuffin against tratter boys, its jist that porky keeps avin er dump in tratters [dont blame me ,its yellas fault, keeps kicking im up arse anorl]. . . .ta
nuffer pint lotmead mounts barsteward [hic mounts ] [hic mounts ][ hic mounts] er change thet git me er red eye those mounts keep repeatin on me. . . . .
Ming, n who ever else is here...........I would like to buy you all a drink! Had a great day today............I walked Titus along the main road today............1st time ever!! he's been out on our lane but never the main road and he was great!! Never spooked at anything..........he was wonderful!!! I am in the Pagan version of Heaven!!! :D :D :D
Fanks cats , can i ave er bag er nuts fer porky aswell . . . glad yer appy fought it wes only me thet wes always appy. . . .:)
11.30 and no boogers about....on a satday nite n'all....

Reet, here's the money, I'm tekin a party seven home..least Miss fist is waiting up fer me....:(
Am havin one er them nites tonite, one minite am in't Wine Bar, next am in gaylander......

Or am I in't wine bar......fooked if I know.....:confused:
Am havin one er them nites tonite, one minite am in't Wine Bar, next am in gaylander......

Or am I in't wine bar......fooked if I know.....:confused:
dunt matter both good drinkin oles . . . .un we got new spittoon . . .spit!!!!. . . .ting!!!!
Yeah, found that Mingy......went in upto me ankle.......:mad:

Never mind, I'll have a Party Seven and a small glass, and whatever you an porky are having chief....;)