nice lookin motor flops. . .that means yer back int the world er landies ,un er proper tracter boy. . .:)
I wudnt go so far as to say "nice looking" - i prefer def90's but fur the price i hope it will do - saves scratchin the slitty to buggery.
gonna have too tell mondo bout this. . . jist teld porky un muffin that slitty flop man is now ere tracter boy. . . .they is cryin wiff laughter. . . .:p :p :D
Me - "Rufty, Tufty" No way! - I am going to bring sum charm, elegance and sophistication to the otherwise down-market and coarse world of Series ownership.

I will be going green-laning with my ickle wicker basket with sarnies (cut into 4) and a bottle of sparkling "Rose". I will be partaking of "Tiffin" on my paisly table cloth and the best sheffield plate;)
I yu are very nice to me (and wipe ya boots) I might let yu join me ;).

Hybrid may need to wear her "posh frock";)