yup ,betts un flops. . . .jist cleanin pipes out so dont mind me. . . .doop de doo de dum,ah wots this that fell in ma hands ,oh its,red eye, glug gluf . . .doop de doo de dum , nobody lookin,nuffer slurp ,hic [love the sea,un love the navy, i like biccy's dipped in gravy] always sing when i'm appy. . . .:rolleyes:
I already had the full english - so just the bickies will have to do - else my new motor wont be able to move :(
nope - i am only gonna use it fur green-laning. Slitty or GT40 for day to day use.

As i sed - if it gets too expensive - it will go. Its meant as a cheap option.
shouldn't be too bad then if it's only for the laning, as long as you don't go busting loads in the process like some do ;)