
Reet yous lot ,i'm lookin fer recruits fer protecting the Gaylander bit against attack from undesirables like , the Tratter Boys un Slitty's. . . . .so sign up we need recruits ASAP so i thought this wood be the best place fer twaining un fings . . . . . .wot do you think ? :) :) :)
Sorry I'm late was busy sticking me door back on.. Whistles nonchalantly
standby to repel tratters.

red you old dog. while I'm sticking me doors back on, your syfon siph syph (bollocks) nicking me diesel.
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ANNOUNCMINT!!!!!. . . . .We will meet up ever tuesday fer twaining un in depth defending orft the Gaylander bit ,all recruits must swear an aliegence to thur Gaylanders un be willing to defend wiff thur lives. . . . .we will also have disscusions like ,how ta stop yer doors falling orft , best cream fer yer leffer bits un best baby oil fer yer rear bit. . . . . . . . . .any recruit that diss obays our strict laws will face torcher by Mrs Ming. . . . . . . .FALL OUT!!!! Oh un see you next tuesday
army of three?Well lucky thems gaylanders dont need much defending cos they are so good.And the doors dont always fall off when the get wet.They only fall off the first time if yer cant be bothered to put em back on!
Covering the right flank in case of a pincer movement


touch me doors and, I'll rip yer gizzards out

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