The Freelander was a 3☆ rating. Euro NCAP : crash test results - The AA

However having seen my own Freelander after it met with a low wall, I'd rather be in that than any other 3☆ rated car in that particular accident.
I believe the NCAP tests are flawed. We've all seen how well the Freelander protects it's occupants when it matters.
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some of the chinese stuff is pretty shocking. I was working on the development of the new jaguar landrover plant which is being built in colaboration with Cherry.

The chinese partners are obsessed with cost cutting in any way they can, including drastically reducing build quality.

The arguments between JLR and Cherry were hilarious over it. It was like watching children fight over a toy!

Scary stuff.
I've often wondered why they have to copy another marques model design down to the floor pan and slap funny names and badges on it. If I had the capacity and resources to build a vehicle, you would imagine I would want it to stand out and recognized uniquely as mine, not leave people scratching their heads and wondering what it reminds them of.
I've often wondered why they have to copy another marques model design down to the floor pan and slap funny names and badges on it.

It's a win win situation by giving their customers a cheap "clone" of the more expensive original and the manufacturer saves millions in development and design costs . The customer gets their X5 but without the X5 price tag, so they are happy. The manufacturer gets the sales, so they are happy too.
Plus another major factor is - they can.
To me it's no different to all those "Ferrari" kit car clones that seem to be everywhere at the moment. People buy them because they want a genuine Ferrari but can't afford the price tag. Buying an MR2 and a body kit gives them what they want. Ok, it's not the genuine article, but it makes them happy driving round in it because it looks like the genuine article and it's affordable.
I believe the NCAP tests are flawed. We've all seen how well the Freelander protects it's occupants when it matters.

Agreed, the tests do seem a bit disconnected from real life.

Also there's no guarantee the test will be fit for purpose anyway.

A friend of mine owns a company that used to make the only crash protection trucks that met the standard (the ones you see with a big buffer on the back).
The main competition was USA manufacturers who complained the standard levels were too high, so the standards were reduced and my mate lost most of his business to lower cost alternatives.

Just because it meets a standard doesn't mean it's the best option.
Of the top twenty selling cars in China, only one is Chinese. VW and Chevy hold most of the top spots because the Chinese wouldn't drive Chinese stuff
There is a difference between copying and cloning though....

I've bought a few power tools recently with "Chonda" engines - Chinese copy of the Honda GX160/GX200. If you get a good one they are great, and about a quarter of the cost. Most of the parts are interchangeable they are so close a copy.

The BMW X-5 job though I doub't can be described as a copy, I bet there isn't a single part that is the same above nuts and bolts and light bulbs.
There is a difference between copying and cloning though....

I've bought a few power tools recently with "Chonda" engines - Chinese copy of the Honda GX160/GX200. If you get a good one they are great, and about a quarter of the cost. Most of the parts are interchangeable they are so close a copy.

The BMW X-5 job though I doub't can be described as a copy, I bet there isn't a single part that is the same above nuts and bolts and light bulbs.

I agree not all Chinese cloned is bad. I have a very nice Chinese air rifle that is a clone of a German rifle. Ok out the box the Chinese version doesn't shoot as well as the German gun. However with a bit of tuning and polishing the Chinese cheapie shoots just as well as the high priced German offering.
some of the chinese stuff is pretty shocking. I was working on the development of the new jaguar landrover plant which is being built in colaboration with Cherry.

The chinese partners are obsessed with cost cutting in any way they can, including drastically reducing build quality.

The arguments between JLR and Cherry were hilarious over it. It was like watching children fight over a toy!

Do you know Mac Moull? He was out in Shanghai for 2 years on the project?

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