Here's mine finished :D


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Note this missing bottom rear quarters on the orange D1!

I toyed with that idea but ended up routing the side exit exhaust out of it, so glad I didn't.
What Sam was hinting at was could I please show everyone the work of art he produced last weekend which is now my side exit exhaust tail pipe... :D

Tail pipe porn:


To be continued in a build thread coming soon...
Tee hee yeahhhhhhh it's nice that mark :D

Toby, you are too straight laced, regular porn is not enough porn!
In regards to what to take off prior to paint, I just removed lights And taped the windscreen rubber back at the top (though that was to run tiger seal along it to stop a leak)
Think I've put this one up already but gives people an idea:


Alpine lights and sunroof came out but that was cause I replaced them with ally sheet anyway.

Painted outside with rollers in the dark and left in the damp to dry :D
Night before Billing show no less!
Took 3 of us a a few hours to paint. Including removing a few bits, prep'd body using scotch brite ( :lol: ) and rollering paint on.
Me riveting the ally sheet over sunroof holes in the afternoon and Brian painting the calipers:


Adding second coat around 10pm iirc (was quite drunk by this point) me on the right and Mikey on left:


Also shows off my special split-rim Land Rover steelie :D

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