Again fook wit uni student knows all.

Ask seadog if they teach putting oil fires out with water in the NAVY

DOC what do they use to put out fire on oil rigs in the ocean

It all depends on what kink of oil fire... Horses for courses...
Again fook wit uni student knows all.

Ask seadog if they teach putting oil fires out with water in the NAVY

DOC what do they use to put out fire on oil rigs in the ocean

So why do you never use water to put out an oil fryer fire ?

Its alright if you have ####ing gallons of the stuff like he does pouring out at a high rate of knots but a weedy garden hose isn't going to do #### all to a decent sized fire.

Domestic size stuff isn't going to be up to the job
So why do you never use water to put out an oil fryer fire ?

Its alright if you have ####ing gallons of the stuff like he does pouring out at a high rate of knots but a weedy garden hose isn't going to do #### all to a decent sized fire.

Domestic size stuff isn't going to be up to the job

Kinda hate to say this but with an ordinary oil fire the surface burns but the oil is cool.....the worst water will do is splash the oil and possibly flames about....

A pan of oil on fire is sommink like 220'C and if you put water on it you get a steam explosion
So why do you never use water to put out an oil fryer fire ?

Its alright if you have ####ing gallons of the stuff like he does pouring out at a high rate of knots but a weedy garden hose isn't going to do #### all to a decent sized fire.
If you got the hose by where you are welding and ready,charged with water it will never get big, but feck around getting the stuff to put out a small fire then you will lose it.
on a cars yes it will work better than a co2............ and you are talking about 2 completely different things with fat fryer fire you got H&S. Totally different things

Older experience here doc. which you are lacking in
Kinda hate to say this but with an ordinary oil fire the surface burns but the oil is cool.....the worst water will do is splash the oil and possibly flames about....

A pan of oil on fire is sommink like 220'C and if you put water on it you get a steam explosion

True with what you described. A, talking about welding on a defender or car where the under coating/waxoil could catch and a splash of water will put it out. or if the interior caught fire from welding spark
The first one i saw was where the welder went through the petrol line with oxy petrol was ****in all over the place and on fire not nice.. And i dont think water would of helped:cool:
I read somewhere u can use pub co2 gas? How does this work? Do u need an adapter? Where do u get it from?
The first one i saw was where the welder went through the petrol line with oxy petrol was ****in all over the place and on fire not nice.. And i dont think water would of helped:cool:

lack of experience there with the mechanic thought he was a welder
until you run out so it is practiced in fire school

Just cause you were partially right dunt mean you int behaving like a trolling c0ck!

I have 2 extinguishers in my Landy, 1 foam and 1 powder.....I reach for either before a cup of coffee :rolleyes:
One of my mates lost both his brothers. after the car they were welding caught fire. they'd nicked the car and backed it up against the garage doors so they wouldn't be disturbed while the worked on it. unfortunately when it caught fire they couldn't get out and no one could get in to rescue them. Fire Brigade rammed the doors with the fire engine, in order to get in. By the timne they did one was dead and the other died in hospital. 17 & 19 years old I think they were. & whilst they were a pair of thieving scroats. it can't of been a nice way to die.. :(
I read somewhere u can use pub co2 gas? How does this work? Do u need an adapter? Where do u get it from?

What you need is a friendly landlord......Wouldn'd recommend starting with CO2, doesn't give such a clean weld. Get confident first.

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