thankyou to all that as managed to well and truly **** my club up by carrying on a pathetic and stupid argument over a video and a few photos its one thing to mention it but to drag it on for so long is pathetic in my view all the way through it sounds like a load of woman moaning at a coffe morning setting the world to rights as i have said earlier this issue as been sorted and to be honest i really dont think our trucks will be scrapped do you i dont think nearly six different constabularys will track each truck down do you our club members are from all over the country none are brummies so you got that wrong again and the pics on difflock only 1 truck on there is from our club the rest from trashmonkey 4x4 will they get the same treatment i doubt it
thankyou to all that as managed to well and truly **** my club up by carrying on a pathetic and stupid argument over a video and a few photos its one thing to mention it but to drag it on for so long is pathetic in my view all the way through it sounds like a load of woman moaning at a coffe morning setting the world to rights as i have said earlier this issue as been sorted and to be honest i really dont think our trucks will be scrapped do you i dont think nearly six different constabularys will track each truck down do you our club members are from all over the country none are brummies so you got that wrong again and the pics on difflock only 1 truck on there is from our club the rest from trashmonkey 4x4 will they get the same treatment i doubt it

There ya go again see. ME, ME, ME. Thats all you think about.

1) you guys had the 'fun' and now you are complaing about the **** YOU caused
2) You guys posted the pics and vids of your 'fun'
3) you guys are showing no remorse
4) we let it settle but your guys started it back up
5)You happen to be the founder of trash monkey too I believe?
6)Lets see if you are that smug when your vehicles get crushed
7)Your guys are intent on trying to find dirt on me. That gets my back up
8)I don't hold grudges.
9)there are the occasional exceptions to rule 8
10)You guys are that exception:cool:

I hope you are made to pay for the repairs to the lanes you damaged.:)
thankyou to all that as managed to well and truly **** my club up by carrying on a pathetic and stupid argument over a video and a few photos its one thing to mention it but to drag it on for so long is pathetic in my view all the way through it sounds like a load of woman moaning at a coffe morning setting the world to rights as i have said earlier this issue as been sorted and to be honest i really dont think our trucks will be scrapped do you i dont think nearly six different constabularys will track each truck down do you our club members are from all over the country none are brummies so you got that wrong again and the pics on difflock only 1 truck on there is from our club the rest from trashmonkey 4x4 will they get the same treatment i doubt it

It might seem like moaning, but if the green lanes keep getting trashed like they are on that video, then ALL green lanes will be closed to mechanical vehicles, therefore ruining a lot of peoples weekends.:doh:
fine if thats the way it is its not as if landyzone is the make or break of anything really is it you lot gas off all you want ivemade the effort obviously you lot have got a bee in your bonnet i aint bothered give it a couple of days and some other club will be getting the **** sorry it has to end this way but eh who cares i no i wont loose any sleep from your idle threats
for ****s sake how many times are you lot going to say about ruining greenlanes **** me i got the 37 pages of hints 1 page would of done it dear god anyone else want a dig get over it we have learnt cant you lot shut the **** up
well i've been a member of difflock longer than LZ and I can tell you they are far more anal about cretins tearing up green lanes than us **** takers over ere.
thankyou to all that as managed to well and truly **** my club up by carrying on a pathetic and stupid argument over a video and a few photos its one thing to mention it but to drag it on for so long is pathetic in my view all the way through it sounds like a load of woman moaning at a coffe morning setting the world to rights as i have said earlier this issue as been sorted and to be honest i really dont think our trucks will be scrapped do you i dont think nearly six different constabularys will track each truck down do you our club members are from all over the country none are brummies so you got that wrong again and the pics on difflock only 1 truck on there is from our club the rest from trashmonkey 4x4 will they get the same treatment i doubt it

well perhapes you should educate your club members hwo to use green lanes correctly..... and not to publish incriminating evedence ....... see what happonds when you turn into fcukwits .......... you as the club owner/chairman should know better im afraid you loaded your own shotgun and your members have pulled the trigger ......... in this case there is only a small number of stupid twots to blame !!
to blainantly tear up green lanes /byways is such a perthetic thing to do as peeps have said earlier in the fred why not use a P&P site but to destroy the country side in the way your members have shown me is stupid you will eventually loose all the green lanes in your area !!
so in my opion its a good job your club is haveing problems !!
the green lanes may survive another year then !!
thankyou to all that as managed to well and truly **** my club up by carrying on a pathetic and stupid argument over a video and a few photos

Its nice to know that LZ is so powerful - maybe we aught to tell Difflock that no-one takes any notice of them - but we can **** up with just one thread.

Maybe if some of your members didnt keep harping on about how good they were - we wouldnt keep replying.
fine if thats the way it is its not as if landyzone is the make or break of anything really is it you lot gas off all you want ivemade the effort obviously you lot have got a bee in your bonnet i aint bothered give it a couple of days and some other club will be getting the **** sorry it has to end this way but eh who cares i no i wont loose any sleep from your idle threats

for ****s sake how many times are you lot going to say about ruining greenlanes **** me i got the 37 pages of hints 1 page would of done it dear god anyone else want a dig get over it we have learnt cant you lot shut the **** up

Your members dug their own graves. Terry dug yours too. (couldn't keep his mouth shut)

First time I've heard of people digging graves with landys but never mind.:rolleyes:

We aint making ANY threats to you or your fellow lane rapists.

We are just informing you of the LEGAL consequences to YOUR actions.

I do believe however that the instigator of a criminal activity YOU may get a bigger penalty than the lemmings.
well if you think im shutting it down because what you lot have said and done your very sadly wrong we shall be staying so get used to it theres plenty other clubs you can have a go at you might have better luck shutting them down i will be having words with our members and i have changed what i can thats all i can do like it or dont look at it your choice
well if you think im shutting it down because what you lot have said and done your very sadly wrong we shall be staying so get used to it theres plenty other clubs you can have a go at you might have better luck shutting them down i will be having words with our members and i have changed what i can thats all i can do like it or dont look at it your choice

hehe. I just got this wicked image in my head.:p

If your vehicles get seized and crushed you and your club will be offroading on foot. Aka rambling.

Then you'll have to walk through all the holes you churned up when you still had your ploughs.:D:D:D

i'll give riffka his due for coming back.....dunno about the rest of yer but i'm farkin bored with going over the same ****
dont talk wet you go out and buy another you dense git it aint that hard is it but eh i no it wont come to that any way i aint stupid and i dont cringe at idle pathetic threats none of you can proove where half the photos have been taken if any of the photos for that unless you been there and done it yourself heres a clue some of them we had to pay to use dickhead

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