dont talk wet you go out and buy another you dense git it aint that hard is it but eh i no it wont come to that any way i aint stupid and i dont cringe at idle pathetic threats none of you can proove where half the photos have been taken if any of the photos for that unless you been there and done it yourself heres a clue some of them we had to pay to use dickhead

Ooooooh the courts love it when you change yer story. Go on change summit else.:D:D:D

I aint the one with the balls hanging in front of my eyes obscuring my sense of reality. Look in the mirror and you should see the real dickhead.:cool:
ratty get your head from out your arse and change the record

Says biffta...................................Ah evening chaps my oh my still trying then biffta good good keep digging that hole ya be up to ya nuts soon then ya wont be able ta breath................
thats it past page 40 bye bye thanks for the banter cheers lads

thank fook for that!
still dowt it's the last of him ! !
why dont you just make me a MOD and i could put all these tw@ts in the right place! :rolleyes:
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thank fook for that!
still dowt it =s the last of him 1 !
why dont you just make me a MOD and i could put all these tw@ts in the right place! :rolleyes:

ere they wont make me a mod coz i'm too unstable !

On the grand scale of stability issues i'm like a coke can being opened where as you are like a chuffin comet the size of france hitting red china !
So why are you still lurking at the bottom of the page?:doh::doh::doh:

Coz he wanted to see this, Awsome tool better than a cube crusher much more fun watching it writhe and wriggle as its torn into a thousand pieces

[ame=""]YouTube - WATCH IT SHRED! \\The "Hippie" Bug// (SSI Shredder)[/ame]

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